

Three children killed in China school stabbing
Six others injured, including a teacher, in knife attack at primary school in Shiyan, Hubei province

Agence France-Presse in Beijing
theguardian.com, Monday 1 September 2014 10.46 BST

A man has stabbed three children to death and wounded six others, including a teacher, at a primary school in China.

The man, named Chen, died after jumping from a building shortly after the attack in Shiyan, Hubei province, according to Xinhua news agency.

Six people have been taken to hospital, the agency said, adding that two were seriously injured.

Chen carried out the attack because he could not enrol his child at the school, local broadcaster Shiyan Television said on Sina Weibo, a microblogging website.

A police official declined to provide further information on the incident, saying: "Police officials are at the school investigating."

Xinhua said it was not immediately clear how Chen entered the premises. "Security at many schools has been tightened after a spate of attacks*1 on children in recent years," it said.

They include five incidents in 2010 that killed 17 people – 15 of whom were children – and wounded more than 80.

In March, a man killed two relatives and stabbed a further 11 people, including six children, outside a school in Shanghai.

This summer police in Qianjing, near Shiyan, killed a suspect after an attempted attack on a primary school.

Monday was the first day of the new school year in much of China.


「湖北十堰鄖西県東方小学砍人案最新 因其女作業未完成報名被拒」http://www.takefoto.cn/viewnews-151409.html
「湖北十堰小学砍人事件 起因学校不給嫌犯女児報名」http://news.21cn.com/social/shixiang/zhnb/2014/0902/11/28147497.shtml


*1:Associated Press “Chinese children injured in knife attack outside primary school” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/dec/14/chinese-children-knife-primary-school

*2:http://www.shiyan.gov.cn/ See eg. http://baike.baidu.com/view/7455.htm

Subodh Gupta @ Arario Gallery

近所に新しい画廊が最近オープンした。Arario Gallery。ソウルに本店を置く韓国系のギャラリー*1
オープニングはSubodh Gupta展。Subodh Gupta*2は1964年Khagual*3生まれ。中国にある韓国系のギャラリーで印度人アーティストの作品を観たということになる。
私が感じたのは、Subodh Guptaは〈食〉ということにオブセッションを持っているのではないかということ。ギャラリーに入って先ず目に飛びこんでくるのは、食物が置かれた幾十ものテーブルを真上から俯瞰した巨大な油絵*4。そして、純金で作られた馬鈴薯のオブジェ*5。そして、階段を昇って2階に行くと、”Round the Corner”というインスタレーション*6。部屋いっぱいに、使い古された皿や鍋釜などが堆く積み上げられており、それらは蛇口からちょろちょろと流れる水に曝されている。集積された鍋釜たちの存在感に圧倒されてしまったのだが、後でギャラリーのプレス・リリースを読んだから、このインスタレーションには印度のカースト制度に対する批判的な意味があるということがわかった。曰く、

(…) The endlessly gushing water over the old dishes that were used to hold warm food for someone is both a symbol of hope and a mournful analogy to the class society that's taken away even water, a source of life. There is strict class discrimination even in milk and water, the most conventional food and beverage in India. Even the public well is prohibited to the lowest class of the untaouchables, who cannot even enter the caste system, and the well of Pariah with animal bones surrounding it is a representative example. Living in a society where even water is available according to one's class, Gupta often references water in his work.
Subodh Guptaは今年の2月にBBCに採り上げられている;

Indrajit Hazra “The stainless shine of Indian artist Subodh Gupta's art” http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-25874132

以前、印度の現代アートをまとまったかたちで観たのは2009年の『印度現在(India Xianzai)』(上海当代藝術館)*7



2014/09/03 16:18 Written by Narinari.com編集部


2日付けの投稿では、「18になったときロマンポルノやピンク映画を観狂ってた時期があって、 高校卒業してからだからたったの4、5か月ですが、新橋ロマン劇場に通い続けてました」と驚きの告白。






かくして文化というのは継承されていくんだなという感動的な話。『あまちゃん*2には1980年代の逆襲という側面があったわけだけど、さらに遡って1970年代の文化に填っているのね。『タクシー・ドライヴァー』も観ているようだし*3。「ロマンポルノ」*4の黄金時代、橋本さんが名前を挙げている宮下順子*5芹明香*6が〈ポルノ女優〉として活躍したのは70年代である。勿論、この2人にとって「ポルノ」は女優としてのキャリアの一部にすぎないということは言う迄もないのだが。(ポルノに限定して)、宮下順子の映画をピック・アップすると、やはり『壇の浦夜枕合戦記』と『赫い髪の女』になるか。『四畳半襖の裏張り』、『四畳半襖の裏張り しのび肌』には宮下順子芹明香がともに出ている。今挙げた4本とも監督が神代辰巳というのは偶然。
あまちゃん 完全版 DVD-BOX1

あまちゃん 完全版 DVD-BOX1

あまちゃん 完全版 DVD-BOX 2

あまちゃん 完全版 DVD-BOX 2

あまちゃん 完全版 DVD-BOX3<完>

あまちゃん 完全版 DVD-BOX3<完>

壇の浦夜枕合戦記 [VHS]

壇の浦夜枕合戦記 [VHS]

赫い髪の女 [DVD]

赫い髪の女 [DVD]

四畳半襖の裏張り [DVD]

四畳半襖の裏張り [DVD]

四畳半襖の裏張り しのび肌 [DVD]

四畳半襖の裏張り しのび肌 [DVD]

See also



Alison Flood “Thomas Pynchon edited Homer slight from Simpsons episode” http://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/sep/04/thomas-pynchon-edited-homer-simpsons-episode


The show's executive producer Matt Selman revealed on Twitter the script adjustments made by the publicity-shy novelist*2. Famed for his desire to stay out of the spotlight, Pynchon broke his cover in 2004 to appear on two episodes of The Simpsons, with his cartoon character wearing a paper bag over his head, in reference to his reclusiveness. The author is so reluctant to appear in public that he did not attend the National Book Awards to collect a prize for Gravity's Rainbow in 1974, and when he was captured on film by CNN in 1997, he asked the network not to air the footage, telling them: "My belief is that 'recluse' is a codeword generated by journalists, meaning: 'doesn't like to talk to reporters'"*3.

Signing off from his script edits as "Tom", with a kiss, the author makes a "couple changes" to his lines via fax, according to the script shared by Selman. As well as ruling out saying "Marge is a great cook. No wonder Homer is such a fat ass" – "sorry, guys. Homer is my role model and I won't speak ill of him," writes the Gravity's Rainbow author – Pynchon also throws in a few Pynchon-esque puns.

Instead of saying "scrumptious", when sampling Marge Simpson's chicken wings, Pynchon changes the line to "Yeah, Vi-licious!", a reference to his novel V. He also riffs on his novel The Crying of Lot 49, adding the line: "And those potato pancakes of hers! I ate 4 dozen once and was suddenly inspired by the Frying of Latke 49."

Gravity's Rainbow

Gravity's Rainbow

競売ナンバー49の叫び (サンリオ文庫)

競売ナンバー49の叫び (サンリオ文庫)

The Crying of Lot 49 (Picador Books)

The Crying of Lot 49 (Picador Books)







*2:See also See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20060408/1144471534 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20091230/1262144139 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100816/1281992231 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20110208/1297161088 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20111229/1325091628 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20111230/1325211614 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20131116/1384584256 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20140626/1403716598 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20140729/1406601567

*3:See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20061121/1164082739 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20070214/1171423611 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20090928/1254069607 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20100131/1264951293 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20130614/1371219310 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20131116/1384584256

*4:http://www.nsjap.com/ See eg. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%9B%BD%E5%AE%B6%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A%E4%B8%BB%E7%BE%A9%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E5%8A%B4%E5%83%8D%E8%80%85%E5%85%9A

*5:See eg. Paul Farrell “Nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and others posted online by alleged hacker” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/01/nude-photos-of-jennifer-lawrence-and-others-posted-online-by-alleged-hacker


*7:See hongehonge「欧米にバレてはいけない。安倍内閣自民党幹部とネオナチ団体との交流。」http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2136878460795536101

*8:See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20061019/1161241212 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20090522/1242956896 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20090819/1250656927