

Justin McCurry “Two Japanese ministers quit after financial allegations” http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/20/japans-trade-minister-yuko-obuchi-quits

さて、「小渕優子はやっぱり何も考えていない女だった!」という意見あり*2。でも、小渕優子の方からは、だって政治家になりたくてなったんじゃないもん! という反論があるのではないだろうか。父親の小渕恵三が急死しなければ政治家にはなっていなかった。何よりも〈後援会〉を存続させるために急拠担ぎ出されたわけだから。
また、この2人以上に問題女がうようよしているということに注意しなければならないだろう。Justin McCurryさんの記事に曰く、

Obuchi and Matsushima are not the only senior Abe allies to have attracted close media scrutiny since they were appointed two months ago.

His internal affairs minister, Sanae Takaichi, the ruling Liberal Democratic party policy chief Tomomi Inada, and Eriko Yamatani, the head of the national public safety commission, faced calls to explain why they appeared in photographs with far right leaders.

Takaichi and Inada were pictured with a Japanese neo-Nazi leader, while Yamatani appeared with a senior member of a nationalist group that directs hate speech towards Japan’s ethnic Korean community.

Takaichi and Yamatani, along with Haruko Arimura, the state minister in charge of female empowerment, were among hundreds of nationalist MPs who in recent days visited Yasukuni, a controversial war shrine in Tokyo, prompting protests by China.

つまり、ネオナチの稲田と高市*3在特会の山谷*4 もお忘れなく、ということである。