2014 Season Summry

It was my second season in USA. I Completed all 11 races from OMBC series. Overall series standing in Spots 40-49 class turned out to be 5th place at the very final race at Mohican State Park, although I was standing in 2nd place for most of the time and finished 3rd place at the final race. The class had many good racers in close level to each other and it was fun to compete with these guys all the time. This season will be unforgettable one for me.
I had good results at Mohican State Park. Only at this location, Sports division uses same course as Expert division does. It is a long one loop of 25 miles single track and for me it takes about 2.5 hours to finish. Other courses are usually 1 to 1.5 hours. At Mohican I got 2nd on 5/18 race and 3rd on 10/4 Championship race.
I also completed all 5 races from Capcity cyclocross plus Ohio championship race. This was my first season to try cyclocross in USA. It was fun as well but was not easy to get good results as I expected.
Another thing that was new for me is, I started to join group rides on road bike. I did a lot and met many local riders. Most of them said they don't ride MTB.

Top racers in Sports 40-49 OMBC

Podium Mohican
First race for my 4 years old daughter
and medal for finishing the race
Podium S&S
Starting line Chestnut Ridge

Podium Chestnut Ridge
Podium Kids race
Podium Eastfork
Starting line Mohican Championship race
Podium Mohican Championship race
Series award
My wife also did her first bicycle race ever
Next year 2015, I will try to get at least one 1st place in Sport 40-49 OMBC. Bike is already ready to go. Visiting physical therapy is helping a lot to get rid of my neck, shoulder and back pain which I had from long long time ago. So, hoping to have good training from new year and have another good racing season with my friends.

Merry Christmas and Happy new year!