続 今日の英語



 『Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets』(ハリーポッターと秘密の部屋)より。ハリーを迎えにいくために、勝手に空飛ぶ車を持ち出したロンとフレッド&ジョージを叱りつけるウィーズリーおばさん。引き合いにおりこうなお兄ちゃん達(ビル、チャーリー、パーシー)の名前を出すと、"Perfect Percy"とフレッドが揶揄する。それを聞いて、おばさんがぴしゃりと言った一言。

  • "take a leaf out of someone's book" "take a leaf from someone's book" =「〜を見習う、真似する」(to behave or to do something in a way that someone else would/to copy something that someone else does because it will bring you advantages/to copy the way someone else behaves because you want to be like them or be as successful as they are)という表現は聞いたことがあって、私はこの leaf を、葉っぱの leaf だと思っていて、本と葉っぱだから、葉はしおりみたいなもんかな、と勝手にイメージしていたのだけれど、先日NHKラジオ「実践ビジネス英語」で同じ表現が出てきた時に、解説で、leaf には「(書物の)1枚(a page of a book)」という意味があり、ここではそれ、とされていて、目からウロコだった。
    • Now companies and local governments in Britain have taken a leaf from China's book. (実践ビジネス英語)
    • Maybe I should take a leaf out of Robert's book and start coming in at ten every morning.
    • When you act like that, you're taking a leaf out of your sister's book, and I don't like it!
    • You had better do it your way. Don't take a leaf out of my book. I don't do it well.
    • They are committing $3m to research. We could take a leaf out of their book.
    • I decided to take a leaf out of his book and invest some money in the stock market.
  • この意味での leaf を使った表現には、以前メモした "turn over a new leaf" =「改心する、生活を一新する」(to begin again, fresh; to reform and begin again/to start behaving in a better way/to change the way you behave and become a better person)がある(08/6/14の lesson memo")。その時も、leaf =葉っぱ=さわやか=生活を一新!とイメージで覚えていたけれど、「新しいページをめくる」が正しいイメージだったのね。
    • I have made a mess of my life. I'll turn over a new leaf and hope to do better.
    • Why don't you turn over a new leaf and surprise everyone with your good characteristics?
    • Apparently he's turned over a new leaf and he's not drinking any more.
    • I see fatherhood as a chance to turn over a new leaf.
    • I decided to turn over a new leaf and stop worrying so much.
    • The program helps drug addicts to turn over a new leaf when they get out of jail.
  • "could do with" は、以前「SHERLOCK」のジョンのセリフ(12/9/5)で取り上げた。「〜の必要がある、〜があるとありがたい」という意味。
