

Passions of the Tongue




I’ve read through ‘Passions of the tongue’ and now I understand the day is ‘Language Martyrs’ day’ since 1968. I am to go to Chennai on 19 January, so I’ll be able to see local newspapers there. Though I cannot read Tamil now but surely the local English papers would carry the news and information about the day. It is a pity that I cannot see this year’s Mylapore Kolam Festival which is to be held from 9 to 12 January, but I am happy that I can be in Chennai on the day to collect historical newspapers there.

I do not say that I’ve understood the history of India but I can say that I’ve understood the complexity of the history of Tamil related political, cultural and language related scenes. Also I understand that there are many Tamil related statues on the Marina and many streets’ names are changed to Tamil related ones. It would be my great pleasure to stroll along the streets of Chennai thinking about and to know about the history of it. As a beginning learner of Tamil language, to find that an essay titled ‘Devotion to Mother Tongue’ appears in the seventh-grade textbook of Tamil Nadu was also a pleasure.

Last month I’ve taken 6 months tourist VISA of India at IVS in Colombo and found it interesting that there are great differences of VISA handling fees. They vary greatly depending on nationality. They are 8050, 1065 and 5355 SLR, which are USA, Japan and others respectively. Favor to Japan is striking!

I have 5 years VISA of Sri Lanka. To get that and secure my life here, I’ve been to the Immigration Office of SL 25 or so times. I’ve found SL gives favor to China on VISA related matters.

It is also interesting that both Chola dynasty and SL have the same lion as their nations' symbol.

The world is very much complicated. It is so from the beginning. But seen from the different perspective, it might be simple.



 夕方、箱根から戻りました。 今日の箱根は曇り。

美術館へ行こう! と、芦ノ湖を一望できる「成川美術館」へ行きました。



 ↓ 成川美術館入口

 ↑ 門をくぐり坂を上ると、小高い丘の上に駐車場があります。

 ↓ 建物入り口

 ↓ La Terrazza イタリアンレストランでランチ。

 ↓ 芦ノ湖が見え開放的なレストラン 薪ストーブがありましたよ。

 ↓ 玉村豊男さんのミュージアムです。
