Continuous Computing Blog

Wade Roushが新しいBlogを立ち上げた。「Continuous Computing」Blog
である。サブタイトルに「mobile devices + wireless everywhere + Web 2.0 = A social revolution」とある。ロジャー・マクナミーの「The New Normal」、クリス・アンダーソンの「The Long Tail」同様、自らが提唱するコンセプトをタイトルにしたBlogである。
「Continuous Computing」のマニフェストはここで読める。

The point of this blog is to promote the concept of continuous computing as a useful way to think about some of the most significant trends in information technology. Why is continuous computing important? Because it allows us to evolve into a new kind of creature – infobeings, if you will, with the human and information resources we need constantly at the ready, and with our personal brainpower and communications abilities vastly extended, all through networks of mobile digital devices and Web-based software services.

我々は今まさに「infobeings」という「a new kind of creature」へと進化の途上にあるんだ。そう考えると面白いよと、まぁそういうことである。
別にこのコンセプト自身に何か特別斬新なものがあるわけではないが、これからWade Roushがこのコンセプトに包括できると考える新事象を、毎日このBlogで書きまくってくれるのだろうから、それは楽しみだなと思う。
Wade Roushはこんな人。

Wade Roush is a senior editor and West Coast bureau chief for MIT's Technology Review magazine. He writes about the major information-technology trends reshaping life for consumers and workers. In recent feature articles and case studies he has covered the search industry, web services, the blogosphere, wireless standards, the open-source movement, wikis, photo-sharing, spam, library digitization, and next-generation Internet technologies.

Roush was born in 1967 and grew up in Charlotte, Michigan. He earned a B.A. in History and Science from Harvard College in 1989 and a PhD in the history and social study of science and technology from MIT's Program in Science, Technology, and Society in 1994. He has held positions at Science magazine, NASA Ames Research Center, and NuvoMedia, a (defunct) maker of e-book reading devices and content. He joined Technology Review in 2001. He is passionate about electronic gadgets, digital photography, travel, music, nineteenth-century English novels, and the Internet, and currently lives in San Francisco with his partner Kevin and their Australian Shepherd dog, Rhody.

歴史、文学、科学、技術、社会の接点に関心があって、インターネット好き、ガジェット好き、犬好きのPh.Dジャーナリスト・編集者。ちょっと前までは「Travels with Rhody」