
New York Timesの「A Search Engine That's Becoming an Inventor」


(1) グーグルはスーパーコンピュータ研究コミュニティのいいアイデアを採択して現実に動くシステムに作り上げた

"Google took the best ideas from the supercomputer research community and wove them into a working system," said Stephen E. Arnold, a technology consultant to investors and the author of "The Google Legacy" (Infonortics, 2005), a book on Google's technology.

(2) 並列処理の長年の研究成果を取り入れたMapReduce

One such program, called MapReduce, is based on ideas discussed in computer science literature for decades, according to Urs Hölzle, Google's senior vice president for operations. "What surprised us was how useful it turned out to be in our environment," he said.

(3) 同じく並列処理の研究成果を取り入れたGoogle Work Queue

Another system, called the Google Work Queue, allows a big pool of servers to be assigned to various tasks as needed and reassigned to other projects later.

(4) 個別ハードの信頼性は低いまま、ソフトウェア層で信頼性を上げるGFSなどのシステム

"Nobody builds servers as unreliably as we do," Mr. Hölzle said in a speech last year at CERN, the Swiss particle physics institute. Google is reducing cost while maintaining performance by shifting the burden of reliability from hardware to software --- individual hardware components can fail, but software automatically shifts the local task and the data to other machines.
For example, Google designed a software system it calls the Google File System that keeps copies of data in several places so Google does not have to worry when one of its cheap servers fails. This approach also means that it does not have to make regular backup copies of its data as other companies do.


Google's biggest rivals, Microsoft and Yahoo, certainly write much of their own software, and they work to configure their computers and data centers to their own needs. But they largely buy machines from existing manufactures like Dell, Sun Microsystems and Rackable Systems.


Google will not comment on its costs, but it does claim an advantage. "We don't think our competitors can deploy systems cheaper, faster or at scale," Alan Eustace, Google's vice president for research and systems engineering, told analysts in March. "That will give us a two-, three-, five-year lead."


Mr. Reynolds estimated that Google's computing costs are half those of other large Internet companies and a tenth those of traditional corporate technology users.

けれど、ネット事業ってそんなところで競争するものなのかい? というのが競合側の自然な言い分となる。そんなところまで「垂直統合」するのが正しいとは思えないよ、と言うのが、たとえばYahoo!の立場だ。

"At some point you have to ask yourself what is your core business," said Kevin Timmons, Yahoo's vice president for operations. "Are you going to design your own router, or are you going to build the world's most popular Web site? It is very difficult to do both."

これはIT産業における20世紀末までの常識、「水平分業」思想そのもの。IT産業界のほとんどの人たちは、このYahoo!のKevin Timmonsの言葉に共感するだろう。

Despite those boasts, some argue that Google's home-brew approach is unnecessary and inefficient, a headstrong indulgence masked for now by the growth and profitability of its advertising business. And Google's rivals say their networks are plenty efficient and powerful.


Beyond servers, there are signs that Google is now designing its own microchips. The company has hired many of the engineers responsible for the Digital Equipment Corporation's well-regarded Alpha chip.
"Google's next step is to build high-performance silicon," said Mark Stahlman, an independent technology analyst.
Mr. Hölzle said Google had considered custom semiconductor design, but he declined to say if the company had built any. He said that, in general, Google did not want to build anything from scratch if it could buy something that was just as good.

この部分の機微が面白い。DECでアルファ・チップをやっていた人たちが、グーグルに既に入社しているらしい。それをもってグーグルがチップ開発に乗り出すのではないかと推測する人もいる。この文章中の「Mr. Hölzle」とは「Google's senior vice president for operations」であるが、彼が言う「グーグルは何でもかんでもゼロから作りたいとは思っていないけれど、自分たちが思うベストのものが世の中から調達できない場合には自分たちで開発することもやぶさかではない」という考え方は、グーグルの本音であり、今彼らが持っている万能感の表れだろう。

Google clearly believes that its infrastructure will prove a lasting competitive advantage, and the piece hints that Google may even get into microchip design. Hmmm, is Intel paranoid now?