


The Congressional testimony by Gregory Jaczko, the chairman of the commission, was the first time the Obama administration had given its own assessment of the condition of the plant, apparently mixing information it has received from Japan with data it has collected independently. Mr. Jaczko's most startling assertion was that there was now little or no water in the pool storing spent nuclear fuel at the No. 4 reactor of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, leaving fuel rods stored there exposed and bleeding radiation into the atmosphere. As a result, he said, "We believe that radiation levels are extremely high, which could possibly impact the ability to take corrective measures."

 放射線量は「Extremely High」だと...。東電と日本政府に対する国際的な不信感が極まった感じ。米国は独自に放射線量を測定すると発表した後だけに、この勧告はショッキング。日本も情報公開をしっかりしないと、混乱に拍車をかけるだけ。人災を引き起こしてしまう。
★米 独自に放射線測定を開始へ NHKニュース => http://t.co/XE4I7Z3
★欧米各国に広がる退避の動き…米は80km圏外 (読売新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース => http://t.co/HKJY5uE