ついでに、Trackにかかった"Spider Broodmother"ってNamed"に挑戦。
見た目はただのでっかい蜘蛛で69から/con blueだったんですが、meleeが1kくらいで2accではちょっと無理そうだったのでexodusで脱出。なんかいいもんだすのかなぁ (´-`)

Task終了してもいつもどおりExpとお金しかもらえなかったので、次はなにかな〜ってまたQuestくれた人のとこ行ったら、またTaskやってこいといわれましてそのTaskが例の"Gimblax"っぽい。2accぢゃ無理 w


You say, 'Hail, Chieftain Relae Aderi'
Chieftain Relae Aderi says 'Welcome back, Zephyrkai. News of your good deeds is passing quickly through our ranks. I wish we could say our work is done here, but it is not. The goblins of Tirranun's Delve heard of your efforts against their kin in the Stillmoon Temple and they have vowed revenge. One in particular, Gimblax, plans to hunt you down. We know where he is now and if you move quickly, perhaps you can reach him first. Speak to Dilar Nelune and he will give you further guidance.'
You have received a character flag!

You say, 'Hail, Keeper Dilar Nelune'
Keeper Dilar Nelune says 'Should we all perform to Chieftain Aderi's expectations, the races of good and light will bring an end to the threat of evil upon Norrath.'

上のNamedの情報。FT2の盾いいなぁ。と思ったら、今DRUが持ってるNCのクラゲからRareDropのDrakescale Shieldの方がいいかな?微妙。

つーか、やっぱりGroupのTask受けないと次のSoloのTaskは受けられないっポイ。ちぇっ ( ゜ 3゜)