ほら、ビスタはそんな立派なものじゃない(2) - The Times (South Africa)


Earlier this year Microsoft spectacularly lost a vote to have this new Office format declared a standard — while a perfectly good OpenDocument Format standard already exists.


There is no other way to put it: Vista is a disaster. It’s not the worst piece of software Microsoft has written (that goes to Windows ME by all accounts, although I personally think Windows 98 deserved that title), but it’s right up there in the lexicon of how not to try and solve your problems. Bill Gates joked that Vista was “the best 6-billion I ever spent”.


For the seven years Microsoft spent on Vista, what was it doing?


The more I play with it, the more I keep thinking I’ve missed something. I don’t want to be the one who stands up in public and says the emperor has no clothes.


You see, Microsoft is part of the landscape. Let me rephrase that, Microsoft is the landscape.


As innovative as Apple is and as free as open source is, Microsoft still commands about 90 percent plus of the desktop computer market. The question that analysts, commentators and our own software pioneer Mark Shuttleworth keep asking is: for how long?


It’s the kind of argument that yields results with as much regularity as the one about the ANC succession debate. In a way, it’s irrelevant. If we truly believe in market forces (or democracy) the market (or public) will give us our answer.


The problem for Microsoft is not really whether it has made a great operating system (it’s hammered for whatever it does, good or bad) but what the perception is.


And the perception in the market is that it has blown it. Hardware manufacturers have privately expressed their despair and frustration to me, as has every one who foolishly bought a new computer with Vista on it. One senior executive told me Vista runs 20percent slower than XP.


There’s a nexus point coming in a year or two for businesses and consumers who are going to be faced with an upgrade, and anyone who has tried Vista won’t wish it on their worst competitor.


I recently tried out Vista on what would have been the new ThinkPad notebook I would have bought to run it. It was all I needed to convince myself I have done the right thing by buying a MacBook. Millions of Vista users are not so lucky.

(part 2 of 2)