
anime and military... good combo!



MASTERキートン 単純な事件解決が好き。主人公が元SAS隊員というのもカッコイイ。
装甲騎兵ボトムズシリーズ: ナイスな戦争モノ。物理的に無理なメカのタイヤは「キュイ―ン」という音聞くとなぜか許す。
人狼 がっちりしたアーマーは好き、その他はいまいち。
COWBOY BEBOP (ダーティペア)ユリの格好っぽいとこが好きだけど、それ以外はいまいち。 
機動警察パトレイバーシリーズ: 特車二課が活躍するとグー、そうでないといまいち。
BLOOD+ 沖縄方言…やたら語尾に「サー」は大目に見るけど、「やんばる」の発音が一番癇に障った。その他もいまいち。
フルメタルパニック!シリーズ: メカとアホな楽しさが好き。軍事的に「ちょっと違う」と思う部分はあるが、コメディだから許す。



MASTERキートン File1 [DVD]装甲騎兵ボトムズ DVD-BOXI人狼 JIN-ROH [DVD]COWBOY BEBOP the Compilation 1 [DVD]EMOTION the Best 機動警察パトレイバー 劇場版 [DVD]BLOOD+(1) 完全生産限定版 [DVD]フルメタル・パニック ! DVD-BOX 1 (初回限定生産)

Anime indulgence.
Recently, I've been renting old anime at random, but there are so many titles! Like how many Gundam series are out now? Geez. (T_T)

Instead of belaboring myself with a review of each DVD volume, I put together short comments for each series.

MASTER Keaton: Love the simple case-solving episodes. Also like the main character being former SAS. 
Votoms series: Great war story. The physically impossible mecha tires are forgivable when it goes "kyu-eeeen."
Jin-roh: Love the bulky armor. Everything else, not so much.
COWBOY BEBOP: Love the (Dirty Pair's) Yuri-esque outfit, but everything else, not so much. 
Patlabor series: Love it when the Special Vehicles 2nd Section rocks, but not so much with the rest.
BLOOD+: Okinawan dialect... grudgingly ignore "saa" at sentence endings, but pronunciation of "Yambaru" unforgivable. The rest, so-so.
Full Metal Panic! series: Love the mecha and overall goofiness. Though there are a few military inaccuracies, the comedy makes it a-OK.

As you can see, it's obvious that I have a preference for military-related titles. Haha. (^^;

I still have a lot to catch up on, but I'll watch one title at a time. Including non-military titles, of course! (>_<)