

下記には幾つかの記事、論文がありますがすべて1998年12月4日と12月5日に東京で行われたユニセフグローバルフォーラムでのRalf Mutschkeの発言がもとになっているようです。朝日新聞の同フォーラムに関する記事では「商業児童ポルノの80%を製造または頒布」となっているためこれが一番正しそうです。



For example, Interpol reports that most of the child pornography available on Internet sites now originates in Japan due to their lack of laws prohibiting its production (Editor 1999)

P13 According to estimates from Interpol, most of the child pornography available on Internet sites world-wide originates in Japan.

Noting the extent of the problem, Interpol, the international law enforcement organization, estimated last year that eighty percent of the child pornography available over the Internet was produced in or distributed through Japan.

See Interpol ties 80% of world's child pornography to Japan, ASAHI SHIMBUN/ASAHI EVENING NEWS, Dec. 4,1998, available at 1998 WL 22369868 [hereinafter Interpol ties] ("Germany . . . [has] amended laws to enable police to charge Internet service providers that allow child pornography to be distributed electronically").

According to estimates from Interpol, as much as 80% of the child porn available on commercial sites worldwide originates in Japan. A police study found more than 3,000 Websites based in Japan distributing pornography, 40% of them featuring children.

Interpol, the international police organization that hosted the Lyon meeting, estimates that 80 percent to 90 percent of the world's commercially distributed child pornography is produced in Japan, although mostly foreign children are depicted.

Interpol, the international police agency, has estimated that between 70 percent and 80 percent of the child pornography available on the Internet came from Japanese sources.
"Some figures say 80 percent and some say 20 percent; we really don't know a good way of measuring it," said Keiji Goto, an official at the National Police Agency who campaigned on behalf of more stringent laws. "But it is sure that Japan is the No. 1 provider of child pornography on the Internet."


"Interpol, the international police organization, estimates that 80 percent of the world's commercial child pornography materials found on the Internet are suspected to be produced or distributed from Japan."

ECPAT estimates that 60 to 80 percent of all pornographic images of children are distributed from Japan.


またECPATによる上記の数字ですが、1997年のCork大学の調査によるとインターネット上の児童ポルノ73%は日本が発信元であるという研究があります。そしてCork大学といえば、ECPAT御用達のMax TalorとEthel Quayleがいらっしゃる大学ですから、ECPATの数字はMax TalorとEthel Quayleが由来でしょう。

The web is a source of child pornography on the Internet but it is not the major source. In a study carried out by the University of Cork, Ireland, between June and November 1997 sexualised images of under age girls on the web were coming principally from Japan, with 73% of all sites found originating there. The next highest source was the USA with 14%, followed by the UK at 3%. A greater number of sites offered sexualised images of boys but no comparable percentages were provided.33 With recent changes in the Japanese law, these numbers have fallen dramatically.

Project Babylon Analysis of major international distributors of child pornography
Child Pornography on the Internet Interpol-ECPAT Experts’ meeting

Child pornography on the Internet - international meetings of experts at the INTERPOL General Secretariat, Lyon, France, May 1998, updated with links

INTERPOL's General Secretariat in Lyon, France, hosted two consecutive meetings at the end of May 1998 on the subjects of crimes against children and child pornography on the Internet. First, more than 70 members of the INTERPOL Standing Working Party on Offences against Minors, representing some 30 countries, will take stock of their current achievements, including a unique handbook for specialist police officers dealing with crimes against children, and plan their forward strategy in raising awareness and combating these crimes. The meetingl not be accessible to the press was the 11th meeting of INTERPOL Standing Working Party on Crimes against Minors. The working party was created in May 1992 as an expert group to study responses to a questionnaire on crimes against children circulated by INTERPOL to all its member countries.

This is immediately followed by the ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) meeting on child pornography on the Internet. More than fifty participants from over twenty countries represented private sector Internet service providers, lawyers, non-governmental organisations (ngos) as well as law enforcement services. This multi-disciplinary forum was opened jointly by Mr RE Kendall, INTERPOL's General Secretary, and ECPAT President Mr Ron O'Grady, who highlighted the way in which the Internet is evidence of the current breaking down of the cultural and geographic boundaries relating to time, space and social identities. He also talked about the borderless world of Cyberspace and emphasise the need for extra-territorial or international laws against the abuse and exploitation of children.

For further information see Child Pornography on the Internet: Protecting Children in the Computer Age, Experts Meeting, Lyon, France. May 28-29 1998. See also ECPAT & CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ON THE INTERNET pages. ECPAT's position, Lyon meeting related information, opening address by Ron O'Grady, the Chairman of ECPAT during the Lyon meeting, and the summary report of the Lyon meeting in May 1998.

To promote international cooperation and coordination to fight child pornography on the Internet, an international meeting of experts' will be held in Lyon, France on 28-29 May,1998. The Consultation is jointly convened by ECPAT and INTERPOL.

宮本説明者 ポルノに関していえば、1998年当時、インターポールの担当者などから全世界にインターネットを通じて出回っている児童ポルノのうち、商業的なものの80%は日本発信又は日本製造だというふうなところまで言われたくらい