Software Updates of Today

Mac App Storeが目玉のMac OS X 10.6.6。しらばく模様眺めでしたが、本日アップデートしました。

  • iWork Update 5 (9.0.5) 76.5MB

This update contains bug fixes and improvements, including the following:

    • Adds support for playback of Keynote presentations on public beta, with over 15 animations and effects, when using the latest version of Safari.
    • Adds support for Keynote Remote 1.2, including high-resolution slides for the Retina display.
    • Addresses an issue in Keynote with ruler numbers when moving or resizing a shape or scrolling.
    • Addresses an issue when exporting a Keynote presentation to iTunes/iPod when iTunes 10 is installed.
    • Improves the readability of ePub documents exported from Pages.
    • Includes public sharing and private upload document sharing options for to Keynote, Pages, and Numbers.

This update is recommended for users of iWork 9.0 and later. users are invited to test the sharing options and provide feedback. For detailed information on this update and individual application changes, please visit this site:

  • Remote Desktop Client Update (3.4) 6.1MB

The 3.4 update is recommended for all Apple Remote Desktop users and addresses issues related to compatibility.

For detailed information on this update, please visit this website:

The Mac OS X 10.6.6 Update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Snow Leopard and includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac. It also includes the Mac App Store, the best way to discover and buy new apps for your Mac. The Mac App Store, a new application you'll find in the Dock, includes the following features:

    • Discover Mac apps: Browse featured apps, top charts, and categories, or search for something specific. Read detailed app descriptions and user reviews, and flip through screen shots.
    • Buy and install: Easily purchase apps with your iTunes account. Apps install in one step and are quickly available from the Dock.
    • App updates: The Mac App Store keeps track of all your purchased apps and notifies you when free updates are available.

To learn more about the Mac App Store, visit:
For detailed information on this update, please visit this website:
For information on the security content of this update, please visit: