Software Updates of Today


  • Mac OS X 10.6.8 Supplemental Update (1.0) 10.5MB

The Mac OS X 10.6.8 Supplemental Update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and resolves issues with:

    • Transferring personal data, settings, and compatible applications from a Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard to a new Mac running Mac OS X Lion
    • Certain network printers that pause print jobs immediately and fail to complete
    • System audio that stops working when using HDMI or optical audio out

For detailed information on this update, please visit this website:

This update addresses an issue with the Migration Assistant application in Mac OS X Snow Leopard that prevents transfer of your personal data, settings, and compatible applications from a Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard to a new Mac running Mac OS X Lion.

This update contains new features including:

    • Reading List: Easily add webpages and links to your Reading List to browse when you have time.
    • New Process Architecture: Safari has been re-engineered for improved stability and responsiveness.
    • Resume: In the General pane of Safari preferences, you can now choose to launch Safari with the windows from your last browsing session.
    • Better Privacy: A new Privacy pane in Safari preferences makes it easy to remove data that websites can leave on your system.

Other improvements include:

    • Private AutoFill: Safari lets you fill out forms quickly while keeping your personal information private.
    • Find Option: When you use Find, you can choose whether you want to search for text that contains or starts with the text that you type in the search field.
    • Drag-and-drop Downloads: You can drag items out of the Downloads window in Safari, so you can easily place downloaded files on the Desktop.
    • Advanced Web Technologies: Safari introduces support for full-screen webpages, media caching with the HTML5 application cache, MathML, Web Open Font Format, CSS3 Auto-hyphenation, CSS3 Vertical Text, CSS3 Text Emphasis, Window.onError, and Formatted XML files.
    • New Extension APIs: Developers can take advantage of new Safari Extension support for popovers, menus, new event classes, and interaction with Reader.

For more information about improvements to stability, compatibility and usability, please visit:

For information on the security content of this update, please visit:

  • iWork Update 6 (9.1) 90.2MB

This update adds support for Mac OS X Lion and takes advantage of the following features:

    • Full Screen
    • Resume
    • Auto Save
    • Versions

This update is recommended for users of iWork 9.0 and later. For detailed information on this update and individual application changes, please visit this site:

What's new in iTunes 10.4

iTunes 10.4 is now designed for OS X Lion.

You can now use iTunes with OS X Lion's new Full-Screen App capability, which allows you to use iTunes and other apps without distractions. Navigate between your full-screen apps with a simple gesture.

Note: iTunes is now a 64-bit Cocoa application on OS X Lion and includes a number of important stability and performance improvements. Some iTunes plug-ins may no longer be compatible with this version of iTunes. Please contact the plug-in developer for an updated plug-in compatible with iTunes 10.4.

  • Remote Desktop Client Update (3.5.1) 3.6MB

The 3.5.1 update is recommended for all Apple Remote Desktop clients and addresses several issues related to overall reliability, usability and compatibility.

For detailed information on this update, please visit this website: