
Morning Musume not ready to graduate yet

At Morning Musume's inception, the group's fan base was diverse, attracting young girls, boys and parents. But another probable reason for their recent decline can be attributed to the resurgent otaku (obsessive fans). At a recent Hello! Project show in front of around 14,000 in Yokohama Arena, barely a single woman could be spotted among the dedicated and exuberant middle-age male crowd.


single woman=一般的には独身女性

In April 2004, audio footage recorded backstage reportedly captured then-member Rika Ishikawa exclaiming: "Look at them. Grownups screaming like that! I can't believe it. So stupid!" Although such a scandal is rare in the micromanaged Musume life, standing in front of such frenzied supporters clearly affects the girls.

2004年4月には、当時のメンバー石川梨華の舞台裏の音声の盗聴した:「あの人たちを見て。大の大人がそんなに叫ぶなんて! 信じらんない。馬鹿みたい!」このようなスキャンダルはモーニング娘。の歴史の詳細においても珍しいことですが、このような熱狂的なサポーターの前に立つことにより、明らかに少女たちに影響を与えます。


"I've been doing this for eight years but I still get as nervous as I did the first time," says Takahashi.



"I get a little nervous," states Niigaki, "but I love live shows so much, and being able to see the joyful faces of the fans."


Lin Lin, meanwhile, finds it "too enjoyable to stay nervous!"


"The fans know about us in great detail," continues Niigaki, "and they can perform all our dance moves perfectly at the live shows!" Nevertheless, all the girls surprisingly admit that they walk comfortably on the streets without a disguise.



Conversely, "there are a lot of female fans in China and Korea," says Takahashi. "So we get to hear fans shouting in high-pitched voices, not the usual low (otaku) voices!"


"Chinese people applaud a lot and we all love (them waving) glittering light sticks," says Lin Lin. "You can't see the applause, but you can see the lights!"


we all=みんな
「light sticks」はペンライトやケミカルライト(サイリウム)のことを指すと思われます。欧米の野外ロックフェスの映像を見る限りでは、こういったものを振る習慣はなく、バラードなどでライターの灯をともす光景をよく見かけました。

Morning Musume's move into China has been seen as the next logical step for the group. However, all has not gone according to plan.

モーニング娘。の中国への進出はグループのための次の一手とみなされました。しかし、 すべてが予定通りに進んだわけではありません。

next logical step=次の一手...かな

"The attempt to launch Morning Musume into China hasn't gone very well," admits Nishikata. "CDs don't sell well, because they are soon pirated. Two years ago, when Lin Lin and Jun Jun (22) joined, we tried to push them hard to China, but it didn't go so well. We are still trying to find a way."


trying to find=探す

The future of succeeding generations of Morning Musume is clearly something Nishikata is working hard to secure. And a move to the West is a definite possibility.


the West=欧米
working hard=頑張っている、努力している

"In Europe and the U.S., there are many fans of Morning Musume and Japanese idoru (manufactured entertainers), thanks to the Internet," says Nishikata. "(We) were invited to an event in L.A. called A.X. (Anime Expo) as a music guest this July. There are already a lot of fans of Japanese animation (in the U.S.), so it might be easy to get in through that."

「ヨーロッパとアメリカでは、インターネットのおかげで、多くのモーニング娘。と日本のアイドル(作られたエンタティナー)のファンがいます。」と西方氏は言います。「(私たちは)今年の6月にゲストとしてA.X. (アニメエキスポ)と呼ばれるロサンゼルスのイベントに招待されました。」 既に(米国では)日本のアニメに多くのファンがいるので、あのように親しまれるのは容易かもしれない。

get in=親しくなる
through that=あんな思い

No matter where they go next, the curiosity is that Morning Musume, the concept, will no doubt continue to outlast any of its members.


Morning Musume's ninth album, "Purachina 9 Disc," ("Platinum 9 Disc") is out March 18.

モーニング娘。の9枚目のアルバム「プラチナ 9 DISC("Platinum 9 Disc")」は3月18日にリリースされます。