
と題したレポートシティグループ調査本部のWillem Buiterが書き、FT Alphavilleが紹介している(H/T 本石町日記氏ツイート)。原題は「Forward Guidance: More than Old Wine in New Bottles and Cheap Talk?」。


The standard academic putdown of a scholarly paper goes as follows: “There is much in this paper that is new and much that is right. Unfortunately what’s right is not new and what’s new is not right.” The same can be said about forward guidance. Attempts by central bankers to use verbal or written statements to influence the views of market participants and other economic agents about the likely future course of the instruments of monetary policy are as old as monetary policy and central banking. Forward guidance, whether in the form of a point forecast or fan chart forecast of a future sequence of policy rates, or in the form of a commitment to act according to a contingent or conditional policy rule, with nominal and/or real thresholds, triggers, knockouts or tolerance levels, does not meaningfully enhance the monetary policy arsenal beyond what was available before the start of the modern era of central banking in New Zealand in 1989 (when formal inflation targeting was pioneered) and 1997 (the debut of published interest rate projections).
学術論文をこき下ろす一つのパターンは次のようなものである:「この論文には新しいことが数多く含まれており、正しいことも数多く含まれている。残念ながら、正しいことは新しくなく、新しいことは正しくない。」 時間軸政策についても同じことが言える。中央銀行が口頭もしくは文書に書かれた声明で市場参加者や他の経済主体の金融政策ツールの先行きに関する見方に影響を与えようとする試みは、金融政策や中央銀行と同じくらい昔から存在する。政策金利の将来推移に関する点予想の形にせよ扇形チャート予想の形にせよ、あるいは、名目ないし実質経済変数の閾値、トリガー、ノックアウト、もしくは許容水準に基づく条件付き政策ルールに従って行動するというコミットメントの形にせよ、時間軸政策は、1989年のニュージーランド(初めて公けにインフレ目標が導入された)ないし1997年のニュージーランド金利予想の公表開始)に端を発する現代の中央銀行制度が始まる以前に利用可能だった金融政策ツールに意味のある増強を施してはいない。


The recent experience of the Fed and the ECB shows the shortcomings of communication by committee. There is also a prevailing sense in both the US and the euro area that if markets are confused and uncertain, it is necessary to address them more frequently and at greater length. We note that past ineffective attempts at communication may well account for much of the market’s confusion and uncertainty.


The best approach to signaling longer-term policy intentions in an operational manner typically has three components. First, commit to the regular publication and updating of longer-term forecasts of the target variables, of any additional nominal or real thresholds, knockouts or triggers that define the central bank’s reaction function for each of its instruments, and of the instruments themselves. Second, reach an agreement that at most one member of the monetary policy making committee, presumably its chair, speaks or writes publicly about the likely future paths of the policy instruments – rates, QE, or whatever. The other members can of course still discourse in public about the principles of monetary policy and the history of central banking. Third, give the central bank skin in the game by requiring it to issue or purchase material amounts of financial instruments on which it will lose money if interest rates depart from the forward guidance-consistent levels –financial hostage instruments. If possible, link the pay of the monetary policy makers at least in part to the performance of these instruments.

FT AlphavilleのCardiff Garciaは、最後の一文は政治的論議を呼びそう、とコメントしている。Garciaはまた、紹介記事のタイトルを「Buiter on forward guidance, or, paging Sumner / Krugman / Woodford / Eggertsson / Svensson」としており、サムナーやクルーグマンらの反応を求めている。