


blognation Japan » Blog Archive » Zooomr - Conquering The World (From Japan)

日本語ではいい感じ: クリスの熱い思い:Flickrキラー Zooomrの日本展開くらいしかない。ハイテクメディアもっとがんばれ。


Kristopher: My goal is simple. I’m going to make Japan the next center of the web!…

I really want to get bloggers excited in Japan. It doesn’t seem like they have much forward voice here. That needs to change. The bottom line is this: Web 2.0 is dead — the brand is. In the valley everyone is scrambling for new ideas. But Google and Facebook have sucked up core talent. There isn’t anything new or exciting happening there. It’s become a bubble. Japan holds the second largest GDP globally. It’s infrastructure is amazing. 3G is here and people know how to use technology.

Kristopher: Well, here’s the deal. Japanese people make insanely great hardware but they haven’t really done very well with software. Games are amazing but here’s why - Japanese people are very researched. They think before action. Software doesn’t play that game — you can learn about it. But the best way to make great software is to just start writing. ‘Go action’. Japanese people don’t immediately have ‘Go action’ — only a rare few. Games are different because they are closed systems.
