Do You PHP はてブロ

Do You PHPはてなからはてブロに移動しました

RATS - Rough Auditing Tool for Security

たまたま見つけました。C, C++, Perl, PHP, Pythonソースコードスキャナです。ライセンスはGPL

RATS - Rough Auditing Tool for Security - is an open source tool developed and maintained by Secure Software security engineers. Secure Software was recently acquired by Fortify Software, Inc. RATS is a tool for scanning C, C++, Perl, PHP and Python source code and flagging common security related programming errors such as buffer overflows and TOCTOU (Time Of Check, Time Of Use) race conditions.


$ wget
$ rpmbuild -ta rats-2.1.tar.gz
$ sudo rpm -ivh ~/rpm/RPMS/i386/rats-2.1-1.i386.rpm 
$ which rats
$ rats -h
RATS v2.0 - Rough Auditing Tool for Security
Copyright 2001, 2002 Secure Software Inc

usage: rats [-adhilrwxR] [--help] [--database|--db]  name1 name2 ... namen

    -a <fun>       report any occurence of function 'fun' in the source file(s)
    -d <filename>  specify an alternate vulnerability database.
    -h             display usage information (what you're reading)
    -i             report functions that accept external input
    -l <language>  force the specified langauge to be used
    --language <language>
    -r             include references that are not function calls
    -w <1,2,3>     set warning level (default 2)
    --warning <1,2,3>
    -x             do not load default databases
    -R             don't recurse subdirectories scanning for matching files
    --xml          Output in XML.
    --html         Output in HTML.
                   Follow symlinks and process files found.
                       Don't print initial header in output
                   Don't show timing information footer at end of analysis
                   Don't print status information regarding what file is being analyzed
                   No header, footer, or status information
                   Show column number of hte line where the problem occured.
                   Display the line of code that caused the problem report


$ rats --resultsonly --html /usr/local/lib/php5/pear/ > pear.html

上記の実行結果をDo You PHP?にUPしておきましたので、参考まで。

折角なので、動く状態まで持って行ったソースから作ったrpmsrpmをDo You PHP?にUPしておきました。完全無保証ですが、地雷が好きな方はどうぞ ;-)

やっぱ、specファイルが用意されてる時って、rpmにする方が楽だなぁ :-D