C# IDE Mobile Ver11.0

.NET SDKを使うことなく.NET Compact Framework2.0さえあれば、WindowsMobile上でもC#のアプリ作成ができるフリーの開発環境、C# IDE MobileがVerUpしています。

  • Included new Windows Forms Designer (yes, you now have a Windows Form designer usable directly on the PPC) developed by Jean (http://pagesperso-orange.fr/asnora/Control%20Editor/Control%20Editor.htm)
  • Added support for compiled User Plugins (DLL instead of css)
  • Corrected issue with "Format document"
  • Added replacement File Dialog for smartphones on which the default .NET2CF FileDialog DLL is missing (this seems to be the case sometimes)
  • Added support for user DLLs: You can now place your own CF DLLs (generated with Visual Studio for example) in the "UserDLLs" folder and call your functions within them (you can create your API for example in a native CF DLL and call these functions from your C# IDE Mobile code)


MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS: This version includes a Windows Form Designer which greatly helps in creating your application's user interfaces. This designer is available in C# IDE Mobile via the menu "Tools/UserPlugin/ControlEditor" (and therefore works directly on the PPC). This greatly reduces the amount of written code for the application and allows getting a GUI very quickly (a few clicks)


C# IDE Mobileはこちらで公開されています。

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