ブラウザネタ二つ。(MobileFireFox, SkyFire)


Mozilla Links 日本語版: Mobile Firefox 最初の一歩

Engaget MobileやSolsie.comで紹介されていた、SkyFire Browser、Youtube等のVideoコンテンツ等々に色々対応していたり、なかなか凄そうですが、USのみなんでしょうか・・。試していないですが、サインアップにはUSの電話番号が必要とかありましたし。

The Skyfire browser is set to finally bring PC-like browsing to your Windows Mobile device with crazy speeds and support for all manner of embedded content. Sure, there are ways to get Youtube and other mobile video content through proxy sites that convert on the go or with other 3rd-party applications, but this puppy does it all in one sweet and free package. Facebook and Myspace pages load up in no time, video plays in the browser, and all of this is accomplished with some server side magic on the part of the Skyfire server but is completely transparent to the user. All flavors of Windows Mobile -- 5 and 6 for both touchscreen and not -- are supported with the roadmap hinting at Symbian support in the near future.

Skyfire browser is bringing great hope to Windows Mobile users with the Flash-based contents (e.g.YouTube, DailyMotion video) support. This capability of playing Flash-based videos directly from the web sites has been sorely lacking from other mobile browsers including the iPhone Safari.

Welcome to Skyfire!