永遠の僕たち [DVD]

永遠の僕たち [DVD]



・君が明日死ぬつもりなら帰ってきなさい 君が10年生きるつもりならとどまりなさい(A姫ちゃんの言葉)
・私は 僕は
・虫が多い 気分が悪い
・でもリセットできたら自分は何度でも同じことをくり返す の
・『来世があるのか』 パスカルの賭けだ 神がいないことを信ずるより 神がいることを信じたほうが 効率が 良いそうだ
・熱しやすく 冷めやすいんだから 貴方は。
・できない理屈ばかりで できることを考えないのね
・後しろ 後ろ髪を引かれるのだ 何に?
・今と未来の どっちが大切 ですか。
・誰の肯定も要らないから ほんとうに?
・手を切った 手の平ではなく 指でもなく 親指と人差し指のつけ根のところを
・帰りたいのか 会いたいのか
・これでも尚 見栄えとかっこよさが 気になるんだね
・悲劇(これも書けてない)のヒロインぶるのは 止めろ


I like Japanese but recently I kinda realised that I'm better off at English. I love Japanese but when it comes to speaking it I seem to suck more than anybody. I say what I don't wanna say and I keep mucking things up. Since I'm not a native speaker of English and I still have trouble trying to have a proper conversation without any grammatical mistakes keep me from saying serious things. So that's probably why I'm feel better whenever I have conversation in English. I never regret what I say.

So I thought if I rumble on in English things would clear up somehow. I don't mind about staying in the States for rest of my life as long as I'm able to go back to my homeland every so often. I like Cali. People are overly friendly and they are overly kind. There's so many Asian people so you blend in and never get noticed. But then, still, something is pulling my back hair (don't know if this is a Japanese-only saying) - and I don't know what that is. Although I'm assuming it's that girl. A bright, beautiful, weird but wicked girl, who tells me she loves me every so often, but I have a habit of believing that everything that comes out of non-blood-relative's mouth is a lie. Only if I could know that she actually loves me and if she means that, I could easily devote my life to her tbh.

But the only


I'll stop rumbling

I wish if I was a guy.



