
 ⇒Surviving Ourselves(Mad Korean Disease vs. Mad Cow Disease July 7, 2008 by dandawg)より

Which is worse? This is Mad Korean Disease
(Pictures are from downtown Seoul, Korea, June 2008)
どちらが悪性だろう? これが狂韓病だ。
(写真は2008年6月の韓国ソウルの繁華街 ※略)

 Mad Korean disease has infected hundreds of thousands of Koreans since about two months ago, as it spread to an awful pandemic. Mad Korean disease causes those infected with it to want to hold candles and signs and shout in protest. In more serious cases, Koreans with Mad Korean disease have become violent, overturning buses, vandalizing buildings, and beating on riot police. More on its effects in Korean society below.

 Mad cow disease has infected no Koreans. In fact, in the whole world it has infected very few people and very few cows - it is very under control.

 So how do the two diseases compare? Well, you wouldn't want to get mad cow disease. It can make you go crazy and even kill you. However, it is not contagious, and if you trust science, it is non-existent in US beef (and no, one cow that had mad cow disease, but that was put down before it was ever processed into beef, does not count).
 ではどうやってこの二つの病気を比べるというのだろう? まあ、誰も狂牛病には罹りたくないものだ。またそれは人を狂わせ死なせさえする。しかしながら、それは伝染性のものではなく、もし科学を信ずるならば、それは米国産牛肉には存在しない(一頭の狂牛病に罹った牛がいたが、それは食肉に加工される以前に処分されているので数には入れない)

 The good news about Mad Korean disease is that it hasn't killed anybody yet (unless you count past strains). The bad news: dozens of people have been physically injured due to Mad Korean disease induced actions. The disease is extremely contagious among Koreans in Korea, and it is able to spread over internet connections. But I wouldn't worry too much about being online and reading this blog. Mad Korean disease only seems to be contractible by Korean nationals while reading in Korean. Further bad news is that mad Korean disease takes control of the mind so that science and rational arguments are useless as vaccines. I expect more from such a highly educated population, and I am saddened to see those who should know better following the group, just like the lemmings at the top of this page.

 So where did this current strain of mad Korean disease come from and why is it so persistent? Press outlets offer a number of reasons, but frankly, none of them are completely satisfying. The first and most straight forward reason is that Koreans are scared of contracting mad cow disease by eating American beef. Rumors flew that the US would export beef to Korea that was sub-quality or unchecked. They were quickly embellished to state that some of this beef was infected with mad cow disease. The craziness continued, as some “study” came out that Koreans were much more susceptible to mad cow disease than other people (don't plan on it being published in a good scientific journal). This was complimented*1 by fears that mad cow disease could be passed through the air, or by a kiss from someone that was infected. Then there were fears that the tainted US beef would be mixed in with the “better-tasting” (and superiorly pure) Korean beef, so that people would have no choice but to eat it (and presumably die).
 ではどこからこの目下の狂韓病のタネがやってきて、なぜこのように持続的なのであろうか? いろいろ書かれた記事から多くの理由が提供されているが、率直にいうと、どの一つも完全に満足させてくれるものではない。最初のそして最も単純な理由として考えられるのが、韓国人は米国産牛肉を食べることによって狂牛病に罹ることを怖れているというものだ。韓国へのアメリカの輸出牛肉は二流品であるとか検査されていないとかいった噂が流れていた。その噂はすぐに、牛肉のいくらかは狂牛病に感染していたというように潤色された。狂気はさらに続いて、ある「研究」(それはどこかの良い科学的雑誌に載せようとは思わないほうが無難だ)が、韓国人は他の人々に比べて狂牛病に罹り易いということを明らかにしたなどということが言われた。またこれ(奇説)は怖れによって、狂牛病は空気感染するだとか罹患者とのキスによってうつるだとかいう説で補完された。そしてさらに、穢れた米国牛肉が「よりおいしい」(そして殊に汚れのない)韓牛に混ぜられてしまっているのではないかという虞が生じ、人々はそれを食べるしか(そしておそらく死ぬしか)ないということになってしまっていたのである。


 この米国産牛肉をめぐるロウソクデモを「民意の直接の発現」というように好意的に評価していた方も散見しました。しかしどうでしょう? 本当にそれは「正しい民意」の発現であり、間違ってはいなかったと言えるのでしょうか?
