

The full text of the International Criminal Court statement

Genocide by causing serious mental harm to members of the target group

As a result of the attacks to the villages, at least 2,700,000 people, most of them members of the target groups, have been forcibly expelled from their homes. As survivors fled the attacks, they were pursued into deserts, killed or left to die. Those who managed to reach the outskirts of bigger cities and what would become IDP camps are submitted to physical and mental harm, and generally conditions calculated to slowly bring about their destruction.


(i) Thousands of women and girls belonging to the target groups were and continue to be raped in all three States of Darfur by members of the Militia/Janjaweed and Armed Forces since 2003. Girls as young as 5 years old have been raped.A third of the rapes are rapes of children.Underreporting of rape is widespread.Nonetheless, periodic reports and testimonies conclude that rape has been committed systematically and continuously for 5 years. Women and girls going to collect firewood, grass or water are repeatedly raped by Militia/Janjaweed, Armed Forces and other GoS security agents:

(i) 2003年以来、民兵組織ジャンジウィードとスーダン陸軍の兵士たちは、ダルフール地方の3州すべてで、攻撃対象である部族に属する成人女性たちや未成年の女性たちを強姦している。5歳の少女たちも強姦されており、強姦の3分の1が、子供に対する強姦である。強姦を過少に報告することが横行しているが、それでもなお、定期報告書や複数の証言により、強姦が、組織的、継続的に、5年間行われていると推断できる。成人女性たちや未成年女性たちは、焚き木拾い、野草集め、水汲みの途中で、民兵組織ジャンジャウィードスーダン陸軍、スーダン政府(Gos)治安部隊によって強姦され続けている。

“when we see them, we run. Some of us succeed in getting away, and some are caught and taken to be raped -- gang‐raped. Maybe around 20 men rape one woman....[…] These things are normal for us here in Darfur. These things happen all the time. I have seen rapes too. It does not matter who sees them raping the women -- they don.t care. They rape women in front of their mothers and fathers”.


Rape is an integral part of the pattern of destruction that the Government of the Sudan is inflicting upon the target groups in Darfur.As described by the ICTR in the Akayesu case, they use rape to kill the will, the spirit, and life itself.


Particularly in view of the social stigma associated with rape and other forms of sexual violence among the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa, these acts cause significant and irreversible harm, to individual women, but also to their communities.


(page 5)

このことを知らせてくれたAvaazの新ページ"Save Darfur: Bring Genocide to Justice" や、Avaazから届いたメールによると、情勢次第では、ザイールの国内情勢が悪化し、さらなる悲劇や惨劇が繰り返される危険性が高まっているとのこと。国際世論も一致しておらず、国連職員の批難避難まで報道されている。中国はバシル大統領への逮捕状請求に反対を表明しているが、スーダンの石油を買い、中国の武器を売るという関係が強く滲み出たものだろう。




■ Devil Came on Horseback トレーラー(英語)

■ Darfur Now トレーラー (英語)
Devil Came on Horseback [DVD] [Import]

Devil Came on Horseback [DVD] [Import]


■洋書The Devil Came on Horseback: Bearing Witness to the Genocide in Darfur

Darfur Now [DVD] [Import]

Darfur Now [DVD] [Import]


