Interview with our newest Intern!(インターンに即席インタビュー♪)


---Would you please tell us a bit about yourself?(まずは自己紹介を!)*2

Sure! I'm from Vancouver, Canada, graduated from the University of British Columbia (History and Asian Studies), then came to Japan as an ALT on the JET Programme. After one year I moved to Tokyo, and have worked as a teacher over the last 5 years. Currently, I'm a MA Candidate in the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies at Waseda University.

Hmm...what else?? Things that stimulate my interest: reading, traveling, food, cooking, friends, shopping, chatting, anything outdoors, my motorcycle, sports, movies, art, music, dance... and the list can go on!

---So far, how are you enjoying working in the Japan Foundation?(基金、どうですか?)

It's been great so far! I've been welcomed into the CGP department from the start and feel a part of the team already. Being a graduate student, I find the programs run out of the Intellectual Exchange Department and CGP very interesting. Japanese is unfortunately my weak point and poses a HUGE learning curve, but I hope to learn a lot from the bilingual nature of the work.

One huge hurdle (on which my fantastic neighbour encourages me daily, but I have yet to try) answering the phone! Wow, how can such a little task be so daunting??

---I know working in an office is quite different from being a student, but with your experience of teaching English at a junior/high school in Japan, have you found any similarities/differences/surprises?(日本の学校で英語を教えていらっしゃるけれど、会社(オフィス)で働くのはやっぱり違う?似ている?)

Well, many don't realize that 90% of a teacher's job is about planning and making necessary curricula, lessons, and tests, and all the paperwork necessary to implement it! Making it come alive in the classroom is really the last step. This means that most of the work gets at a desk, in an office, in front of a very trusty computer with (hopefully), great access to pic art!

So the structure of the work is very similar: communicating, organizing, time-management, attention to detail... really, checking off the check-boxes. However, the audience is very different. Working for a post-secondary, social, governmental audience in international exchange and communication is new, exciting, and very stimulating!

---Does your home country (Canada) have similar organization like us?(カナダにも、基金のような機関ってありますか?)

Yes. Too many grants, council, departments, and organizations to name! Maybe the Canada Council would be the closest one to JF?

---Have you encountered any stereotypes about Canada in Japan or about Japan in Canada? (Well, I have to admit myself thinking about maple syrup...)(日本で出会ったカナダへの偏見、カナダに残る日本への偏見ってありますか?)

Oh yes! Maple syrup, cold weather (Canada cannot have a summer surely!), and blond, blue-eyed Inuits to name a few. But these have come mostly from my former teenage students, and I have educated them otherwise =) About Japan - well, thankfully none lately!

Lさん、ありがとうございます!また今度はぜひ日本語で基金をレポートしてくださいね(*^-^)ニコ ←笑顔でプレッシャー
基金の海外事務所、トロント日本文化センターでも、6月9日まで「Passage to the Future: Art from a New Generation in Japan」を展示してます!お近くにお住まいの方はぜひどうぞ♪



*3:適当な和訳をお許しくださいm(__)m 翻訳こんにゃくが欲しいなぁ


*5:隣の席=おひさま(笑) 電話、私も入社当初は怖くてとれなかったなぁ・・・。