• Jeffrey Ketland  “Craig’s Theorem” in: Macmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy, D. Borchert (ed.), forthcoming


In mathematical logic, Craig’s Theorem (not to be confused with Craig’s Interpolation Theorem) states that any recursively enumerable theory is recursively axiomatizable. Its epistemological interest concerns its possible use as a method of eliminating “theoretical content” from scientific theories.

  • Greg Frost-Arnold  “Carnap, Tarski, and Quine’s Year Together: Logic, Mathematics, and Science (Dissertation Abstract)”


During the academic year 1940-1941, several giants of analytic philosophy congregated at Harvard: Russell, Tarski, Carnap, Quine, Hempel, and Goodman were all in residence. This group held regular private meetings. Fortunately, Carnap took detailed dictation notes during his year at Harvard. These notes cover a wide range of topics, but surprisingly, the most prominent question is: if the number of physical items in the universe is finite (or possibly finite), what form should scientific discourse, and logic and mathematics in particular, take? This question is closely connected to an abiding philosophical problem, one that is of central philosophical importance of the logical empiricists: what is the relationship between the logico-mathematical realm and the natural, material realm? Carnap, Tarski, and Quine’s attempts to answer this question involve a number of issues that are still central to analytic philosophy of logic, mathematics, and science. My dissertation focuses on three such issues: nominalism, the unity of science, and analyticity. I both reconstruct the lines of argument represented in Harvard discussions and relate them to contemporary treatments of these issues.


  • 小牧治  『カント 人と思想15』、清水センチュリーブックス、清水書院、1967年




  • G.フレーゲ  「概念記法の科学的正当化について」 in: 『フレーゲ著作集1 概念記法』、戸田山和久 ・大木島徹訳、藤村龍雄編、1999年
  • Hans Sluga  “Frege: the early years”, in: Philosophy in History, ed. Q. Skinner et al., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1984
  • 大駒誠一  『コンピュータ開発史 −歴史の誤りをただす「最初の計算機」をたずねる旅−』、共立出版、2005年
  • 竹内洋  『丸山眞男の時代 大学・知識人・ジャーナリズム』、中公新書中央公論新社、2005年
  • 薬袋善郎  『英語リーディングの秘密』、研究社、1996年
  • 永江朗北尾トロほか  『本屋さんの仕事』、太陽レクチャー・ブック、平凡社、2005年
  • 小牧治  『カント 人と思想15』、清水センチュリーブックス、清水書院、1967年



  • Byron E. Wall  “Causation, randomness, and pseudo-randomness in John Venn's logic of chance”
  • Catarina Dutilh Novaes  “Buridan's Consequentia: Consequence and Inference Within a Token-Based Semantics”
  • Mark van Atten  “On Gödel's awareness of Skolem's Helsinki lecture”
  • Paolo Mancosu  “Harvard 1940–1941: Tarski, Carnap and Quine on a finitistic language of mathematics for science”
