

Third Ear Band『天と地、火と水』

天と地 火と水 <Progressive Rock1300  (SHM-CD)>

天と地 火と水

Prince and the Revolution Around the World in a Day
Around the World in a Day

Around the World in a Day

Kate Bush mourns for Prince



Kate Bush “A message for Prince” http://www.katebush.com/news/message-prince


I am so sad and shocked to hear the tragic news about Prince. He was the most incredibly talented artist. A man in complete control of his work from writer and musician to producer and director. He was such an inspiration. Playful and mind-blowingly gifted. He was the most inventive and extraordinary live act I've seen. The world has lost someone truly magical. Goodnight dear Prince.
See also

Guardian music “Kate Bush on Prince: 'The world has lost someone truly magical'” http://www.theguardian.com/music/2016/apr/26/kate-bush-prince-death-tribute
Anna Gaca “Kate Bush Remembers Prince, ‘The Most Incredibly Talented Artist’” http://www.spin.com/2016/04/kate-bush-prince-tribute-why-should-i-love-you/


Debbie Harry, Chris Stein, Kate Bush, Carlos Alomar, Gail Ann Dorsey, Julien Temple, Sadie Coles, Edwyn Collins, Robert Fox and Nicola Tyson “David Bowie, as remembered by…” http://www.theguardian.com/music/2016/jan/17/david-bowie-as-seen-by-deborah-harry-chris-kate-bush-stein-carlos-alomar-julien-temple-edwyn-collins *3


Sadiq Khan

Robert Booth “Labour's Sadiq Khan elected mayor of London” http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/may/07/sadiq-khan-elected-mayor-of-london-labour
Harriet Sherwood “'This is our moment': Tooting Muslims laud Sadiq Khan victory” http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/may/07/our-moment-tooting-muslims-sadiq-khan-london-mayoral-election-victory
“Elections: Labour's Sadiq Khan elected London mayor” http://www.bbc.com/news/election-2016-36232392
Esther Webber “London mayor: The Sadiq Khan story” http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-36140479
“'Hope over fear': How Sadiq Khan won the mayoral election race” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/06/london-mayoral-election-results-what-time-will-the-votes-be-coun/

最近舛添要一と(倫敦市長の)Boris Johnsonの旅行の仕方を比較した記事に言及したのだが*1、そのときは既にジョンソン市長の人気の末期だったわけだ。ジョンソン氏の次の市長には労働党のSadiq Khan氏*2が当選した。これは労働党による保守党からの倫敦市長職の奪還であるとともに、最初のムスリムの倫敦市長の選出でもある*3
敗れたZac Goldsmithの、身内(保守党内部)からも強く批判された、反イスラーム感情に訴えた差別的な選挙戦術については、

Rowena Mason “Zac Goldsmith attacked by senior Tory over London mayoral election tacticshttp://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/may/06/zac-goldsmith-attacked-by-senior-tory-over-tactics-in-london-mayor-election
