IPA 1960年代〜現代に至る情報政策の変遷「情報政策史」


1960年代から40余年にわたる日本の情報政策の歴史は、ハード主体、ソフト台頭、ネットワーク時代の幕開け等の様々な変遷を経て今日に至っています。 特に1990年以降、国内の市場環境の動静は、わが国の企業自身による旺盛なIT化推進活動、これらの活動を支援する情報関連企業、経済産業省の情報政策 が融合し、国内外産業の変貌と情報政策の実効は一体となっています。本調査では、過去の情報政策の流れから「情報政策史」を根幹とする年譜を作成し、 情報産業市場の状況と対応する情報関連企業の施策、政府の情報政策との関連において歴史的事実を一同に編纂いたしました。


1980 年代に国家プロジェクトの対象となった技術は、いずれもソフトウェアが重要な構成要素となるものであった。1982 年に人工知能分野の「第五世代コンピュータ」、1984 年にUNIXを中心とするソフトウェア標準化の「シグマ」、1988 年にパーソナル・コンピューティング環境を整備する「未来型分散情報処理環境基盤技術開発(FRIEND21)」が開始されている。

1980 年代はコンピュータ産業を取り巻く環境が変化していたにもかかわらず、70 年代と同じ発想で大型国家プロジェクトが実施された。そのため、総じて70年代のような目に見えた成果をあげずに終わったプロジェクトが多い。

松井彰彦 市場(スーク)の中の女の子

日経 11/21/04 「市場の中の女の子」、松井彰彦氏――童話風に読ませる経済書(あとがきのあと)



What's next for Google

Technology Review (9 pages) 1/05 What's next for Google by Charles H. Ferguson

For Eric Schmidt, Google’s CEO, 2004 was a very good year. His firm led the search industry, the fastest-growing major sector in technology; it went public, raising $1.67 billion; its stock price soared; and its revenues more than doubled, to $3 billion. But as the search market ripens into something worthy of Microsoft’s attention, those familiar with the software business have been wondering whether Google, apparently triumphant, is in fact headed off the cliff.

SearchBlog 12/14/04 Ferguson on Google: Platform? Yes. Single Platform? No.
TechDirt 12/14/04 The Battle To Own The Internet
Geeking with Greg 12/14/04 Google's war with Microsoft
SiliconBeat 12/14/04 Who will own the search platform?

The January issue of Technology Review has published a lengthy and provocative write-up on Google vs. Microsoft by Charles Ferguson, the MIT PhD who founded Vermeer Technologies and then sold it to Microsoft. Ferguson argues that the battle between Microsoft and Google is possibly a winner-takes-all contest that will be won by whichever company builds the dominant search architecture -- the platform on which applications will be built by vendors and users. This will be especially critical as the search industry moves beyond the web into a wide array of new computing platforms, including a "sea of new consumer devices,'' he asserts.

Scobleizer 12/15/04 MIT Tech Review looks at Google and Microsoft

Google and the public good

Scott Rosenberg's Links and Comments 12/14/04 Google and the public good
For those of us who are still consumers of those bundles of printed content known as books, the importance of today's news of Google's library deal is almost impossible to overstate. It's just huge.
John Udell 12/15/04 In Google We Trust?
Dave Winer today points to Scott Rosenberg's excellent take on Google's new library venture.

The public has a big interest in making sure that no one business has a chokehold on the flow of human knowledge. As long as Google's amazing project puts more knowledge in more hands and heads, who could object? But in this area, taking the long view is not just smart -- it's ethically essential. So as details of Google's project emerge, it will be important not just to rely on Google's assurances but to keep an eye out for public guarantees of access, freedom of expression and limits to censorship. [Scott Rosenberg]

Scripting News 12/15/04 Trusting Google
Comments on Scott Rosenberg's piece about Google and the university libraries. (Note: I agree with Scott's conclusions.)

Another way of looking at it: What if Microsoft were doing what Google is doing? Of course we wouldn't let them do it without a very serious and probably very shrill examination. Well, I'm telling you, Google today is as dangerous as Microsoft, and I wouldn't bet on their trustworthyness, not without a lot more light having been shed on this. The technology industry is built on a foundation of arrogance and disdain for users. Google is too. You may not have seen it yet, but I have.


外国文学の愉しみ (レグルス文庫)



hyoshiokの日記 12/16/04 今求められるオープンソース人材像
noblog 12/16/04 ソーシャルネットはビジネスになるか
SFgate 12/13/04 Firms come up with plan for making money, but analysts doubt many will be profitable
Like many online businesses, social networking followed the stereotypical Internet trajectory: Hot (when legions of users joined the gabbing, dating and job-schmoozing Web sites about a year ago) to not (when revenue was scarce).
Wired-J 12/13/04 『iPod』ファンが自主制作したCM、ウェブで話題に
Wired-J 12/14/04 カスパロフスパコンのチェス勝負に疑惑を投げかける映画
Wired-J 12/2/04 オンラインゲーマーたちの夢「オープンソースメタバース
Wired-J 12/2/04 現実よりも「デジタルな生活」がリアルな人々
Wired-J 11/29/04 オープンコミュニティーの百科事典サイト、ニュースに進出
Wired-J 11/18/04 ブログも対象に:ネットメディア買収のトレンド
Wired-J 11/11/04 ネット視聴率調査の精度で大手に挑む米I/Pro社
PC Watch 12/15/04 後藤弘茂 なぜPS3のメディアプロセッサはCellではなくNVIDIAなのか
PC Watch 12/14 本田雅一IBM ThinkPad”に残された5年の意味
PC Watch 12/13 日本IBMのPC事業部もLenovoへ転籍〜大和研はThinkPadの開発拠点として存続
PC Watch 12/3/04 後藤弘茂 2006年にCellベースのサーバーやHDTVが登場
PC Watch 12/2/04 後藤弘茂 ISSCCで明かされるCellの実像
Economist 12/13/04 Together, at last (Oracle-PeopleSoft)

After a battle lasting a year and a half, Oracle has finally won the hand of a reluctant PeopleSoft. It is more interested in PeopleSoft's customers than in its technology. However, the big winner is neither company, but German rival SAP

Economist 12/16/04 Finally, marriage (Oracle-PeopleSoft)
McKinsey Quarterly 10/04 Will high-tech CFOs adapt to slower growth?

The technology industry has changed dramatically in the past five years, and so have the demands on its CFOs. While some thrived as strategists during the boom times, others steered clear of mergers and limited themselves to the role of controller.

CNET 11/22/04 Open source's next frontier

Open-source software, increasingly popular with budget-conscious companies, is beginning to expand into a new area: The lucrative infrastructure-software market dominated by industry giants such as Microsoft.

Computerworld 11/11/04 Q&A: Sun's Jonathan Schwartz on the Solaris 10 launch
He calls it 'the single biggest improvement we've ... delivered in a commercial operating system'


strategy+business Winter/04 Best Business Books 2004: IT & Innovation
strategy+business Winter/04 The Lean, Green Service Machine
Many companies prefer not to talk about service. But Dell Inc. does, and it has been rewarded for doing so: In 1998, the leading PC maker began investing in a customer service initiative that uses artificial intelligence (AI) software to automatically provide its telephone-based service agents a series of increasingly “educated” and specific responses to give to customers who are having problems with their computers.
Feld Thought 12/15/04 Early Stage Marketing and Sales - The "Why" vs. the "What"