review6 5/14

which period of Japanese history is Mike interested in?
└he is interested(?) in the Edo period.
how old is the NY subway?
└its over 100 years old.
what is the name of the bridge displayed the museum?
└its Nihonbashi.
can they ride the old bikes in the museum?
└no, they cant.

Mike is interested in the Edo period.
so Ayaka and I took him to the Edo Tokyo museum.
Rachel came, too.
we went by subway.
Mike told me about the subway in NY.
it was opened in 1904. so its over 100 years old.
it runs 24 hours every day.
at the museum I was the guide for Rachel and Mike.
we saw Nihonbashi.
then we saw a kind of carriage and Mike sat in it.
Rachel is interested in Kabuki.
but she doesnt like ghost stories.

many things from the Edo period [are displayed] there.
it [was opend] in 1904.
the name of the bridge is Nihonbashi. it [was built] in 1603.
it [is not allowed].
Nihonbashi [was built] over 400 years ago.

lesson24 5/13

M: whats this?
T: its a Kabuki theater.
M: Kabuki?
A: yes, its an old traditional form of Japanese drama.
  in Kabuki men play women's roles.
R: interesting. id like to see that.
A: then lets go to see Kabuki one day.
R: ok.
T: now we can see scenes from a famous ghost story over there.
R: oh, I dont like ghost stories.
T: in that case, ill show you the old bikes. follow me.
M: bikes? can we ride them?
T: no. it is not allowed. but we can sit on them.

chinese is not t(?) at school.
it was not invited to the concert.

this magazin is not sold in Japan.
these computers are not used now.


起きたついでに同人誌読んでたら萌えがじわじわきた。恋愛感情のあるなしに関わらず青年と少女(幼女)の組み合わせがよだれが出るほど大好物です。というか女の子が可愛けりゃいい。そういえば最近私がおにゃのこが好きなのを知ってる友人に「ゆいにゃん@ABはどうよ?」と言われたのですが、私はけなげ子が好きなのでゆいにゃんよりは天使萌えです。お察しのとおりハルヒでは長門が好きです(みくるんも好きだけど)<しかしそれよりもキョンキョン妹が。愛してるぜベイベとか当時キュンキュンしておりました。心ちゃんも好きだったけどもっときっぺーとゆずにいちゃついて欲しかった´` BJの先生とピノコだとか、赤僕の藤井君と一加ちゃん、フルハウスジェシーおいたんとミシェル、クラナドの岡崎と汐、山田太郎の御村とよし子ちゃん、十二国記の大人たちと珠晶、銀魂の銀さんと神楽なんかが好きなんですが、最近私好みの可愛い女の子がいないんですよねえ。ああ、はなまる幼稚園は可愛かったなー。