Quentin Crisp - Stop the Music for a Minute

I have been to bars in Soho, whose denizens have crossed social and geographical barriers to reach them. In one, I have seen a girl sitting amid musical pandemonium with a book open on her knees and her little finger entwined with that of her true love. Of course, she was not really listening, not really reading and not communicating with her friend in any way that required effort or style. It would be hard to say whether the jukebox caused the death of human speech or whether music came to fill an already widening void - but unless the music is stopped now, the human race, mumbling, snapping its fingers and twitching its hips, will sink back into an amoebic state, where it will take a coagulation of hundreds of teenagers to make up a single unit of vital force - which, once formed, will only live on sedatives, consume itself on the terraces of football stadia, and die.

Velvet Underground & Nico

Velvet Underground & Nico

ベーシストのJohn Caleがラ・モンテ・ヤングと一緒に亀の水槽の60ヘルツに合わせてミニマル・ミュージックをやってたってことを小耳に挟んで、「そうか、これはミニマルミュージックなんだ!」とか思いながら聴いたらいけました。John Caleがヴァイオリンでドローン弾いてたりギターのハウリングと一緒に発狂したりほどよくロック的というかノイズ的というか、そんな要素も含みまして。Lou Reedのポップセンスについては今の僕にはどうでもいいのでまた今度。John Cale万歳!