
ninetyninezeros, life @ google from the inside
John Battelle's SearchBlog 1/26/05 Googler Blogs, Then UnBlogs - Updated

Seems a fellow started at Google, starting blogging about Google, said some not so nice things and probably violated internal policies to boot, and then quickly blanked his posts. This is his site (ninetyninezeroes - get it?). Empty, for the most part. And no Google cache or URL info. Clearly his site is not in Google's index - I searched for some of the strings in the text Phillip has on his site, not there. His site is on Blogger, and had been up long enough for Google to index it, certainly. So, it seems, the site has been taken out manually, something Google claims to never do.

UDPATE 2: A Google source on good authority tells me A/This was a new employee who violated some internal legal and financial policies (in his original post he talked about financial information and hinted at cool products coming up), B/He was called on it by Google management, and reacted by instantly taking down his posts and C/After sleeping on it, folks at Google sat down with him and agreed that he would take some of the more sensitive stuff out and then repost his musings. I'm told a side by side comparison of before and after exists somewhere out there on the web, but I have not found it....As for D/ whether or not Google actually pulled him from the cache or the index, the answer from Google is a definitive no, Google says that in fact their bot simply had not found the site, which had few to no inbound links - not an easy admission certainly, but one that I will take at face value. If anyone has any data about how quickly the average blog is found by indices, I'd be interested. I'm also curious how Yahoo found it so quickly. In any case, the site sure has juice now, and both the original post, as well as the new one and all the commentary, will be in the amber of the index forevermore.

Inside Google 1/26/05 What Did Mark Jen Say To Piss Off His Bosses?
Inside Google 1/26/05 Mark Jen's Blog Is Back Up
ninetyninezeros 1/26/05 end of an exciting day

i suppose the biggest lesson was how fast information travels nowadays. my old blog was pretty technically focused and as such, attracted a very specific audience. i guess i just figured that's how it would work for this new blog; it could serve as a place for me to put up my stories about working at google so my friends could all read it and i wouldn't have to repeat the same thing 20 times a day.
the second lesson was that in today's blogosphere, speculation runs rampant. i suppose i should've anticipated this one as well, but i hadn't learned the previous lesson yet, so i didn't really think too many people other than my friends would be reading this thing. oops!
anyways, here we are after the flurry of activity, and i wanted to address the most common criticism people have been posting around: i must be crazy/stupid/irrational/etc. becuase since i knew what i was getting myself into when i joined google, i shouldn't be complaining. while i do admit that i am a little of all of the above, i would encourage people to realize that life is all about compromises and trade-offs.

1/27 必読記事・論考(IT)

Scientific American 2/05 Seeking Better Web Searches, Deluged with superfluous responses to online queries, users will soon benefit from improved search engines that deliver customized results By Javed Mostafa
Business Week 1/27/05 Amazon Elbows Into Online Yellow Pages, Hiking the stakes in this hot field, the new service from its A9 unit features photo-rich listings that let you wander around near a destination
Business 2.0 1/26/05 A9 Lets Photos Do the Walking By John Battelle,17863,1021142,00.html
Burnham's Beat 1/25/05 Saving RSS: Why Meta-feeds will triumph over Tags
Jon Udell 1/26/05 Blogosphere subscription trends
Read/Write 1/26/05 Gillmor Gang Explores RSS and Content Business
Read/Write 1/27/05 The Art and Science of Creative Aggregation
the iCite net 1/17/05 Aggregation piracy and playlist artistry
Scott Rosenberg 1/26/05 Yesterday's news is tomorrow's fish-and-chip paper
Dan Gillmor 1/24/05 Newspapers: Open Your Archives
bulknews 1/27/05 mobcasting
WSJ 1/28/05 Tagging the Internet,,SB110685388244738262,00.html?mod=technology%5Ffeatured%5Fstories%5Fhs


Feld Thoughts 1/25/05 Ideal Board Meetings

We had a typical three hour board meeting that started on time. The meeting then occurred as follows:

  • 5 minutes: Administrative items (approve the minutes, approve new options).
  • 55 minutes: Department updates. We used the board package as the guide, but each exec spent a few minutes summarizing key points (rather than reading from the package) and then we drilled into Q&A and discussion on each area. It was a spirited discussion that was forward looking (e.g. “what are we doing in the next 30 days about issue X”) rather than backward looking (e.g. “good job on doing Y last month.”)
  • 90 minutes: 2005 Strategic Priorities. We worked from a six page powerpoint presentation (that had crappy production value, but was high content value) and spent 80% of our time on one slide. The entire leadership team participated in the discussion – it wasn’t a “presentation of a conclusion” but a “discussion about what to do given limited resources and divergent opportunities.”
  • 30 minutes: Executive Session (Board Only). We talked about a handful of personnel related issues, summarized the discussion, and set the tone for Q105.

Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project. (PDF:123 pages)
IFTF's Future Now 1/27/05 Fred Kaplan on NIC 2020, Fred Kaplan has a piece in Slate about the NIC's recently-released report, Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project.
Slate 1/26/05 2020 Vision, A CIA report predicts that American global dominance could end in 15 years. By Fred Kaplan

British Computer Society: Grand Challenges in Computing

Conference Reports, A cross section of the country's top computing academics have pooled their views to project the challenges facing computing research and education in the UK in 2 new reports based on a recent Grand Challenges Conference.
Grand Challenges in Computing - Education (PDF - 608kb)
Grand Challenges in Computing - Research (PDF - 574kb)
InfoWorld 1/25/05 Computer scientists identify future IT challenges, Goals for IT include harnessing the power of quantum physics, building systems that can't go wrong



