常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。



Freight train derailment causes massive explosion in Baltimore
Driver in serious condition after train hit dustbin lorry

A freight train crashed into a dustbin lorry, derailed and caught fire yesterday in a Baltimore suburb, in Maryland, US, setting off an explosion that rattled homes at least half a mile away and sent a plume of smoke into the air that could be seen for miles.


本日はplumeを取り上げます。早速辞書を引いてみると「<<文>>{煙・雪煙・水柱などが}羽毛状に空中に上がったもの{of}」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)と定義されており、例文も見てみるとa plume of smokeで「もくもく立ち上がる煙」(ibid)と載っていました。ODOもチェックしてみると’ a long cloud of smoke or vapour resembling a feather as it spreads from its point of origin’とありました。(Shou-VR*)

living rock


What could possibly go wrong? The tourist trek thousands of feet up a Chinese mountain along wooden boards that were nailed together 700 years ago

Look! No hands! A man trusts his life to the safety harness as he negotiates a section where the wooden walkway ends and the path continues cut out of the living rock of the mountain


今回は、living rockという箇所に注目したいと思います。livingという良くお馴染みの単語ですが、ここではどのような意味で使われているのでしょうか。手持ちの辞書で調べてみると、「自然[天然]のままの〈岩石・鉱石など〉」(『ウィズダム英和辞典 第二版』三省堂)という意味がある事がわかりました。living rockで「天然石」(英辞郎 on the WEB)という様な意味になります。livingという簡単な1語で「自然のままの」という意味を表す事ができるのですね。(Astroriver)

dark tourism

学生から観光関係の大学院に行きたいとの相談を受けました。またぞろ通訳ガイド関係かなと思っていたら,これがはずれで,dark tourismと呼ばれる分野に興味があるとのこと。Dark tourism?そんな分野があるの?目が点になり,またたく間に立場が逆転してしまいました。



そのときはたと思い出したのが,thanatourism (死をめぐる旅)という単語。thana-(「死の」)は学部時代に古典語をとっていたときに担当の先生がsana-(「健全な」)との対比で出してこられた記憶があります。ではこのthanatourismとdark tourismはどう違うのでしょうか。気になったのでググってみると亜細亜大学で国際関係学を研究されている方の論考に出会いました。


ざっと読むと,dark tourismは2000年あたりから提唱されはじめた新しい概念で,thanatourismやその他の用語にとって代わって用いられるようになったようです(著者のひとりはJohn Lennonというお名前の研究者!)。


Uncommon Schools

以下はNYTの記事。所得水準と教育との相関関係はいずこも同じであることを実感させられました。記事中のthe Uncommon Schools networkは,低所得者の子弟の学力を一定のレベルまで引き上げることを目的にした組織の名称。いかにもアメリカ的なネーミングですが,ひょっとしたら日本にも必要になってくるのかもしれません。(UG)

In Raising Scores, 1 2 3 Is Easier Than A B C

TROY, N.Y. — David Javsicas, a popular seventh-grade reading teacher known for urging students to act out dialogue in the books they read in class, sometimes feels wistful for the days when he taught math.

A quiz, he recalls, could quickly determine which concepts students had not yet learned. Then, “you teach the kids how to do it, and within a week or two you can usually fix it,” he said.

Helping students to puzzle through different narrative perspectives or subtext or character motivation, though, can be much more challenging. “It could take months to see if what I’m teaching is effective,” he said.

Educators, policy makers and business leaders often fret about the state of math education, particularly in comparison with other countries. But reading comprehension may be a larger stumbling block.

Here at Troy Prep Middle School, a charter school near Albany that caters mostly to low-income students, teachers are finding it easier to help students hit academic targets in math than in reading, an experience repeated in schools across the country.

Students entering the fifth grade here are often several years behind in both subjects, but last year, 100 percent of seventh graders scored at a level of proficient or advanced on state standardized math tests. In reading, by contrast, just over half of the seventh graders met comparable standards.

The results are similar across the 31 other schools in the Uncommon Schools network, which enrolls low-income students in Boston, New York City, Rochester and Newark. After attending an Uncommon school for two years, said Brett Peiser, the network’s chief executive, 86 percent of students score at a proficient or advanced level in math, while only about two thirds reach those levels in reading over the same period.

“Math is very close-ended,” Mr. Peiser said. Reading difficulties, he said, tend to be more complicated to resolve.

“Is it a vocabulary issue? A background knowledge issue? A sentence length issue? How dense is the text?” Mr. Peiser said, rattling off a string of potential reading roadblocks. “It’s a three-dimensional problem that you have to attack. And it just takes time.”



「意味のない,ばかげた」を意味するinaneはラテン語(inānis)由来のとても強いことばです("very stupid or without much meaning"--LDOCE)。ここではinsaneやthe real crimeという表現と一緒に用いられていることにも注目してください。(UG)

Hashimoto’s ‘inane’ remarks hurt Japan, play into China’s hands: Armitage

Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage was critical Thursday of Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto’s recent remarks about Japan’s wartime system of military brothels, noting such actions were “harmful” to Japan’s image.

“The real crime in this is this is at such odds . . . with the Japan of the last 70 years, a Japan which has been a paragon of protection of human rights and human freedoms,” Armitage said at a Tokyo forum. “To make these comments, to me, is inane.”

Hashimoto said earlier this month that Japanese military brothels during the war were necessary to maintain discipline, sparking anger in South Korea.

Facing strong criticism at home and abroad, Hashimoto sought to clarify his comments to the foreign media Monday in Tokyo, saying he did not personally view the “comfort women,” Japan’s euphemism for victims described as sex slaves, as necessary but was merely describing the thinking at the time.


to be flat on one's back

 IOCは29日の理事会で、2020年夏季五輪で実施される最後の1競技の候補として、レスリング、野球・ソフトボール、スカッシュの3競技を選びました。赤字部分について、(flat) on one's backは「[副]あおむけに,[形](略式)(病気・けがで)寝たきりで;困窮して」という意味がありますが(『ルミナス英和辞典』第2版,研究社)、ここではbe flat on one's backで「万策尽きて参っている《レスリングのフォール負けから》」となります(『ジーニアス英和大辞典』,大修館)。(Phantom)

Quick reforms proved key

Thanks to speedy reform efforts, wrestling is not yet flat on its back.

Recently, the International Olympic Committee has tended to value sports that demonstrate gender equality, produce athletes who are actively involved in related associations and appeal to younger generations who appear to be increasingly uninterested in sports.

Nenad Lalovic, president of the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA), met with IOC President Jacques Rogge in March. After confirming what criteria the IOC was looking for, Lalovic immediately implemented the appropriate reforms.



a mixed bag

カリブ海の島の経済情勢についての記事です。記事にあるa mixed bagは、G4や『リーダーズ英和辞典』によれば「寄せ集め、(良い物と悪いものの)ごたまぜ」という意味で載っています。一方、LDOCE 5では、mixの第6義に“a group of things or people that are all very different from each other”や“something that includes both good and bad parts”とあり、日本語での意味とは微妙に違う定義を見出しています。もちろん、この場合ですと、Cayman islandの経済の2本の柱の片方の財政収支金融には、「良い部分」と「悪い部分」が2つあることを言っています。すなわち、海外のシェル・カンパニー(http://ma.mgrp.jp/dictionary/p_000342.html)の登記数が上昇傾向にあることと、ヘッジファンドと銀行業が下降傾向にあることを指しています。(Othello)

Treasure islands in trouble - The Caribbean
The world economic slowdown hit these small, open economies hard. Tourism, the biggest employer, has rebounded but remains below its peak in some places. Arrivals by sea in the BVI were 667,000 last year, down from 802,000 in 2008. (A new dock capable of handling the largest cruise ships is expected next year and there are plans to upgrade the airport.) Finance, the biggest earner, is a mixed bag. Offshore shell-company registrations (a BVI speciality) are back near record levels. Hedge funds and banking (mostly Cayman) are down by 10-20%.

PS GP先生の記事もご参考までに
a mixed blessing - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から