常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

canine 復習


BERLIN -- Wes Anderson won best director prize at the 68th Berlin International Film Festival on Feb. 24 for his animated film "Isle of Dogs," which is set in a futuristic Japan.
The film, which tells the story of a boy searching for his dog among canines exiled to an island in Japan, features voice acting from Ken Watanabe and Mari Nastuki.



気になった単語はcanine /kéɪnɑɪn/ です。はじめはdog among caninesとあったので「動物、生物」のような意味だと予測しました。しかし"Isle of Dogs"「犬ヶ島」という映画のタイトルから少しずれていると感じ、『ジーニアス英和辞典』第5版(大修館)で調べてみました。
同辞書には「⦅正式⦆犬の(ような)、イヌ科の」「イヌ;イヌ科の動物《イヌ、オオカミ、キツネなど》」とありました。タイトルとしっかり嚙み合っていたので、すんなり頭に入ってきました。念のためOxford Dictionary Of English (2th) で再度調べてみると "relating to or resembling a dog or dogs" とありました。

ちなみに canine madnessで「狂犬病」、canine tooth(eyetooth)で「犬歯」を表すことができます。警察犬を「K9」と呼ぶのはこの単語と発音が同じということに由来しているようです。



canine 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

simultaneous emergence of many talents and achievements



『Goo辞書』で意味を調べたところ、百花繚乱とは「いろいろの花が咲き乱れること。転じて、秀でた人物が多く出て、優れた立派な業績が一時期にたくさん現れること。百花は種々の多くの花、いろいろな花の意。繚乱は花などがたくさん咲き乱れている様子」と記されていました。『English translation – bab.la Japanese-English dictionary』の英語訳では、「1. a gathering of many beautiful women、2. many flowers blooming in profusion、3. simultaneous emergence of many talents and achievements」とされています。また、profusion /prəˈfjuː.ʒən/
を『スーパー・アンカー英和辞典』(第五版、学研プラス)で引いたところ、「大量、豊富、a profusion of Aでおびただしい数や量のA」とあり、上記の英語訳の部分での訳は「種々の豊富な花が咲いている、開花する」とするのが適しています。「オリンピックという一期間の中で、優秀な選手(花)らが素晴らしい結果を成し遂げた」という意を込めて、3つ目の訳を選んだ次第です。


coerce 復習


Gang member made lives hell for resident of cheap rental

A yakuza gang member appointed as concierge of a privately-run apartment building here for people on welfare provided the bare minimum in daily meals for residents while demanding almost all of their benefits, often resorting to intimidation and physical violence.

The 30 or so elderly residents said they lived in fear of the man, who was arrested last December after police discovered he tried to coerce a resident into becoming a scapegoat for a traffic accident he was involved in.

The goings on at the building in the city’s Nakamura Ward smack of what has been known in Japan since the 2000s as exploitive “poverty businesses” that prey on the socially vulnerable and those living in extreme poverty.



本日取り上げる単語は、coerce /kəʊˈɜːs/ です。文脈より、三十代以上の居住者たちがある男に恐れているということは容易く理解できると思います。ここでより深めるために、『スーパー・アンカー英和辞典』(第四版、学研出版)を引いてみると、「・・を強要する:(coerce A into B)A(人)を強制[威圧]してB(行為)をさせる(▶︎Bは名詞・動名詞):A(人)を強制してBの状態にする」と記されていました。さらに再読してみると、三十代やそれ以上の高齢者の居住者たちがある男の恐怖の中で生活しており、その男は以前居住者たちに彼が関わった事故の責任をなすりつけようとしていたことろで逮捕された、ということが理解できます。


satisfy his depraved sexual interests - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

threefold 復習


TOKYO (Jiji Press) — The marketing strategy of selling rice in small volumes has recently been successful in Japan on the back of a rise in the number of one-person households and small families.

Rice contained in 5-kilogram packages, which used to be the main size, are unpopular among these households because the products are expensive and too big for them.
The Tokyo-based company’s business strategy division, which was set up in March last year, is working to develop low-volume products.

Pebora, affiliated with rice and vegetable wholesaler Kawacho, which is based in the town of Oirase, Aomori Prefecture, northeastern Japan, sells various brand rice in 300-gram plastic bottles, mainly for 400 to \500 each. They are also available online.

The bottled rice is also increasingly popular as gifts. The company aims to sell 150,000 bottles this year, up threefold from 2016.

気になった単語はthreefold /θríːfòʊld,θɹiːf`əʊld/ です。threeもfoldも見慣れた単語ですが、意味が分からなかったので調べてみることにしました。『ジーニアス英和辞典』(第五版,大修館書店)には「三倍の,三重の,三要素[三部分]のある」や「三倍に, 三重に」とありました。

三倍と聞くとtripleが思い浮かぶのですが、違いは何かと思ったので調べてみることに覚ました、インターネットにはtriple は何か関連した3つの要素があると考えられるときに使われ、threefoldは three times と似たような感じで使われることが多いとありました。また、-timesとの違いは-foldの方がフォーマルな響きがあり、ニュースなどで使われる表現であるということも載っていました。(rain)

-fold - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
ご指名質問回答:-fold - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

rendition 復習


Dua Lipa, Stormzy take top honors at BRIT awards

LONDON (Reuters) — Singers Dua Lipa and Stormzy were the biggest winners at this year’s BRIT awards, Britain’s most high-profile pop music awards, taking two trophies each at an event that saw performances from some of music’s biggest acts.

Lipa was named best female solo artist and breakthrough act at the British Record Industry Trust (BRIT) awards, held in London on Wednesday, while rapper Stormzy won the British male solo artist prize and British album of the year for “Gang Signs & Prayer.”

Ed Sheeran took the global success award but lost in the three other categories in which he was nominated, while One Direction star Harry Styles won for video of the year by a British artist.

Foo Fighters took the prize for international group. U.S. rapper Kendrick Lamar was named best international male artist, with New Zealand singer Lorde taking the female solo artist honors.

The event featured performances from the likes of Sheeran, Lipa and Lamar, who rapped on top of a glass cube containing a luxury car that was smashed up by a man wielding a bat.

Lamar’s act appeared to suffer from technical difficulties that muted periods of his performance, leading fans on social media to express their frustration.

Other artists went for grand scale. Justin Timberlake opened the show with a rendition of “Say Something” accompanied by a scores-strong choir dotted throughout the audience, while Dua Lipa was accompanied by dozens of dancers, also scattered throughout the arena.


 取り上げる単語は"rendition" /rendíʃən/です。『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版(大修館)で調べてみると、「(音楽、劇の)解釈、演奏、上演(performance)、翻訳」などの意味がありました。また、"rendering"にも同様の意味があり、動詞では、"render"となります。LDOCEでは、"someone’s performance of a play, piece of music etc"と定義されています。(Akim)

rendition - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

dismember 復習


Police said on Feb. 26 that they have found a dismembered woman's torso and body parts in the mountains and a wooded area in Osaka prefecture and Kyoto after being led to their locations by an American tourist who was in custody.
Hyogo prefectural police plan to rearrest the suspect, Yevgeniy Vasilievich Bayraktar, 26, of New York, on suspicion of abandoning a body.




member - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

swastika 復習

 Trump has shifted our focus towards immigrants and Muslims as threats, while willfully neglecting the threat posed by racists and rightwing extremists …
 The teen’s neighbors said he mowed a swastika about 40ft across into the grass of a community field. They raised the issue with his parents, but they never called the police. A few weeks later, he was charged with murdering Scott and Buckley.
 Would the neighbors have called the police had the 17-year-old mowed 40ft Isis logos? Or would they just have complained to his parents? Had the FBI received reports that Cruz was a dangerous Isis sympathizer, would they have failed to investigate? (Skip the rest)


 今回取り上げる語は、swastika / swάstɪkə / です。文脈からして「ナチス」に関係あり、あまり好ましく無い意味なのではないかと推測しました。文章を読んでいて、この語を含む箇所は推測しづらかったので、以下で確認していきます。
 LDOCE をみると、“a sign consisting of a cross with each end bent at 90º, used as a sign for the Nazi Party in Germany" とあり、“Cambridge Dictionary には a symbol in the form of a cross with each of its arms bent at a 90° angle half way along, used in the 20th century as the symbol of the Nazi party” と定義されていました。また、『ウィズダム英和辞典』(三省堂書店) をみると、「卍(まんじ)、かぎ十字」とありました。
 また、OED で語源を確認すると、“Late 19th century: from Sanskrit svastika, from svasti ‘well-being’, from su ‘good’ + asti ‘being’.” とありました。

sever 復習


American suspect leads police to body parts

Severed body parts have been found in locations indicated by an American man, the Hyogo prefectural police announced Monday.

Yevgeniy Vasilievich Bayraktar, 26, had been arrested on suspicion of confining a woman, and later admitted to abandoning a woman’s dead body.

The police found the severed parts, including a torso, two arms and two legs, in three locations in northern Osaka Prefecture and Kyoto, on Sunday evening.

The crime was discovered on Saturday, when a severed head believed to be that of a missing 27-year-old Japanese woman in Sanda, Hyogo Prefecture, was found in a condo unit in Nishinari Ward, Osaka. The unit had been rented for minpaku private lodging services.



 sever /sévɚ/ を取り上げます。 記事の文頭に “Severed body parts” とあるように、切断された遺体のことをさしていると思いました。『ライトハウス英和辞典』(第5版 研究社)で調べると「1(格式)切断する、切る 2(格式)(関係など)を断つ」とありました。
LDOCEには “to cut through something completely, separating it into two parts, or to become cut in this way” や “to end a relationship with someone, or a connection with something, especially because of a disagreement” と定義されています。意見の食い違いなどから、人との関係を途切れさせるという意味でも用いられるようです。

severance payment - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

stagnation 復習

2月もあと少しで終わりになりますが、今月の経済の出来事を振り返り、The Japan News記事で気になった一面を取り上げます。

Global Economy / Excessive acceleration of the U.S. economy feared

By Tatsuya Sasaki / Yomiuri Shimbun Senior Writer
At the beginning of February, the plunge of stock prices in the United States rocked financial markets around the world, but favorable conditions prevail in the U.S. economy. The U.S. economic recovery period is already in its ninth year, and for the government, there is no doubt that a phase has begun in which regulating the accelerator and brakes will be difficult.
“After years of stagnation, the United States is once again experiencing strong economic growth,” U.S. President Donald Trump said emphatically at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, on Jan. 26.
In line with his words, the U.S. economy is robust. The real growth rate of the gross domestic product for October to December 2017 was an annualized 2.6 percent.

今回取り上げるのはstagnation /stæɡˈneɪʃən/ です。” After years of stagnation, the United States~” の文中にonce again experiencingがあり、なお1929年に発生した世界恐慌ウォール街株価大暴落)を指していることから、「株価暴落後を伴う経済の不安定、不況、不景気」を意味しているのではないかと推測しました。『スーパー・アンカー英和辞典』(第五版、学研プラス)を引いたところ、「1. 不景気、不況」 「2. 沈滞、停滞、水のよどみ」と記されていて、自分の予測と一致していました。上記の一文では、「“長年の不景気を経て、アメリカ合衆国は再び高度経済成長を迎えている”」と訳すのが適切だと思われます。また、Cambridge English Dictionaryでの定義はa state in which growth or development stops、Oxford Dictionariesではthe state of not flowing or movingとlack of activity, growth, or developmentと表記されていて、意義の幅に若干の差異があることがわかりました。


stagnation 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から
stagnation – 田邉祐司ゼミ常時英心:言葉の森から

mastermind 復習


PYEONGCHANG (AP) — A North Korean envoy making a rare visit to South Korea said Sunday that his country was willing to open talks with the United States, a rare step toward diplomacy between enemies after a year of North Korean missile and nuclear tests and direct threats of war from both Pyongyang and Washington.

Kim Yong Chol, who Seoul believes masterminded two attacks in 2010 that killed 50 South Koreans, was in South Korea for the end of the Olympics. He said North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wanted to improve ties with Washington and had “ample intentions of holding talks” with its rival, according to the South’s presidential office.

He made the remarks during a meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae In, who is eager to engage the North after one of the most hostile periods in recent years on the Korean Peninsula.

Moon, who was invited a day after the opening ceremonies to Pyongyang for a summit with Kim Jong Un, also said that Washington and Pyongyang should quickly meet to “fundamentally solve” the standoff on the Korean Peninsula.

Kim later sat in the VIP box at the Olympic Stadium in Pyeongchang for the Olympic closing ceremonies, just feet away from Donald Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, and the top U.S. military commander on the peninsula, Gen. Vincent Brooks. The former anti-Seoul military intelligence chief watched K-pop divas and fireworks and stood for the South Korean national anthem.



今回取り上げる単語はmastermind /mɑːstəˌmaɪnd/ です。masterという単語が含まれていることから長などといった意味があるのではないかと推測しました。



mastermind - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から

mastermind 復習 - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から