Patti Smith on Jimi Hendrix





In the seventies, I wanted to record Are You Experienced?, but I didn’t feel qualified. In recent times the notches on my belt seemed deep enough. Lenny Kaye, Jay Dee Daugherty, Tony Shanahan and I recorded it live at Electric Lady Studios, where in 1970 I met Jimi Hendrix briefly on the stairs. He was tall and shy, with an engaging smile. I was quite taken with him. He seemed excited about his new studio, expressing the hope that it might prove a meeting place for musicians from all over the world, an envision of a universal language created from the cacophony of their instruments. His dream of the possibilities of union through music stayed with me as I proceeded on my own path. (…)


天地創造神話の謎 (古代学ミニエンサイクロペディア (5))

天地創造神話の謎 (古代学ミニエンサイクロペディア (5))


1 天地はいかに造られたか
2 太陽と月の意味
3 東西神話の類似は何を物語るか
4 人類はいかに誕生したか
5 神話は、なぜ必要か
6 霊魂は、なぜ生まれたのか
7 女性は、なぜ罪と関係あるのか
8 最初の性交は、なぜ行われたのか
9 火と死との出会い



*3:Cf. 『日本神話の源流』

日本神話の源流 (講談社現代新書 420)

日本神話の源流 (講談社現代新書 420)


CNNが報じたAssociated Pressの記事;

Feds say top spammer arrested
POSTED: 1825 GMT (0225 HKT), May 31, 2007

SEATTLE, Washington (AP) -- A 27-year-old man described as one of the world's most prolific spammers was arrested Wednesday, and federal authorities said computer users across the Web could notice a decrease in the amount of junk e-mail.

Robert Alan Soloway is accused of using networks of compromised "zombie" computers to send out millions upon millions of spam e-mails.

"He's one of the top 10 spammers in the world," said Tim Cranton, a Microsoft Corp. lawyer who is senior director of the company's Worldwide Internet Safety Programs. "He's a huge problem for our customers. This is a very good day."

A federal grand jury last week returned a 35-count indictment against Soloway charging him with mail fraud, wire fraud, e-mail fraud, aggravated identity theft and money laundering.

Soloway pleaded not guilty Wednesday afternoon to all charges after a judge determined that -- even with four bank accounts seized by the government -- he was sufficiently well off to pay for his own lawyer.

He has been living in a ritzy apartment and drives an expensive Mercedes convertible, said prosecutor Kathryn Warma. Prosecutors are seeking to have him forfeit $773,000 they say he made from his business, Newport Internet Marketing Corp.

A public defender who represented him for Wednesday's hearing declined to comment.

Prosecutors say Soloway used computers infected with malicious code to send out millions of junk e-mails since 2003. The computers are called "zombies" because owners typically have no idea their machines have been infected.

He continued his activities even after Microsoft won a $7 million civil judgment against him in 2005 and the operator of a small Internet service provider in Oklahoma won a $10 million judgment, prosecutors said.

U.S. Attorney Jeff Sullivan said Wednesday that the case is the first in the country in which federal prosecutors have used identity theft statutes to prosecute a spammer for taking over someone else's Internet domain name. Soloway could face decades in prison, though prosecutors said they have not calculated what guideline sentencing range he might face.

The investigation began when the authorities began receiving hundreds of complaints about Soloway, who had been featured on a list of known spammers kept by The Spamhaus Project, an international anti-spam organization.

The Santa Barbara County, California, Department of Social Services said it was spending $1,000 a week to fight the spam it was receiving, and other businesses and individuals complained of having their reputations damaged when it appeared spam was originating from their computers.

"This is not just a nuisance. This is way beyond a nuisance," Warma said.

Soloway used the networks of compromised computers to send out unsolicited bulk e-mails urging people to use his Internet marketing company to advertise their products, authorities said.

People who clicked on a link in the e-mail were directed to his Web site. There, Soloway advertised his ability to send out as many as 20 million e-mail advertisements over 15 days for $495, the indictment said.

The Spamhaus Project rejoiced at his arrest.

"Soloway has been a long-term nuisance on the Internet -- both in terms of the spam he sent, and the people he duped to use his spam service," organizers wrote on

Soloway remained in federal detention pending a hearing Monday.

米国連邦当局は、豪奢なマンションに住み、ベンツを乗り回していた「世界十大スパマー」の1人、Robert Alan Soloway(27歳)を逮捕したという。逮捕した側は、ネット・ユーザーに対して、「ジャンク・メイル」が減っているから注目しなさいというが、そんなにスパムが急に減ったという実感はない。Solowayがトップ10のうち何位なのか知らないが、単純に考えて、100%だったのが90%に減ったからといって、それほど減ったという実感はしないものなのかも知れない。或いは、残りのスパマーたちがこれを機に生産量を上げていたりして。

122 times a year

CityWeekend May 10 2007のベタ記事を写す;

In an annual survey released by condom maker Durex, it was revealed that only 42 percent of the Chinese survey participants are satisfied with their sex life. The research further unveiled that Chinese men are significantly more satisfied with their sex lives than are Chinese women. Furthermore, the survey concluded that the Chinese people is on average 122 times per year, higher than the global average 103, and the duration of the act is about two minutes longer than the global average of 18 minutes; thereby lending another piece of evidence to support the timeless claim: quality, not quantity(p.10).



チャベス政権、米CNN捜査へ 「暗殺を教唆した疑い」





Colin Burgon氏はベネズエラのメディア状況に関して、

Almost all Venezuelan newspapers remain in private hands. The press is free to report, and express opinions, without government interference. Most do so with considerable brio on a daily basis. No media outlet has encountered licensing problems for the expression of political views. No journalist has been imprisoned or punished for report or comment.

In RCTV's case, the broadcaster failed to meet basic public-interest standards. The criterion for this assessment is similar to that used by the US Federal Communications Commission. RCTV will be free to broadcast via cable and satellite, which are available across the country.

In the UK, if Channel 4 aided an attempted coup against the government that resulted in civil unrest and even death, would anyone be supporting the renewal of its licence? RCTV has lost its licence because its wealthy owners slanted news coverage to provide support to the April 2002 coup against Chávez and the elected government. This will not be news to those who gathered in parliament last week to view John Pilger's excellent documentary The War on Democracy, which shows footage of RCTV involvement.

As the coup failed and Venezuelans questioned Chávez's "resignation", RCTV prohibited correspondents from airing these developments.,,329925279-111259,00.html

と述べる。但し、同じGuardianベネズエラの「メディア戦争」をレポートするRory Carrollによれば、チャベス政権下で政府御用メディアが強化され、メディア一般への圧力が強まっていることも事実であり、国営放送は実際に抗議行動をする学生を”fascist-inspired coup-mongers”と口汚く罵っている。
また、アルジャジーラは今回のチャベスの措置を絶賛するニカラグアのDaniel Ortegaを報じている*5チャベスについては、以前そのブッシュは悪魔発言を紹介したことがあるが*6、実際その政治思想について詳しくは知らない。スターリン主義者なのか反米右翼なのか。
最後に、ベネズエラの事態については、所謂右側や親米派だけでなく、Human Rights Watchアムネスティ・インターナショナルも懸念を表明していることを申し述べておこう*8