83 地球の歴史 #過去と未来 #宇宙

83 地球の歴史 #過去と未来 #宇宙

137億年前   ビッグバン
135億年前   星の誕生・天の川銀河の誕生 [1]

※ [2]

46億年前    太陽系と地球誕生(原始大気は、主にヘリウムと水素)
43〜40億年前頃  海洋が誕生
38億年前    単細胞生物誕生
24〜21億年前頃  最も古い氷河期(ヒューロニアン氷期
7億5千万年前〜7億年前 スターティア氷期
6.4億年前    マリノア氷期・・・スノーボールアース

スノーボールアース [3]

6億年前     多細胞生物の誕生・爆発的な増加(カンブリア爆発)
5億年前     生物が脳を獲得
4億6千万年前〜4億3千万年前 小さな氷河期(アンデス−サハラ氷期
・・・全生物種の85%が絶滅 [4]
4億年前     植物の上陸
3億7千万年前  氷河の拡大期(カルー氷期 Karoo Ice Age)
・・・全生物種の82%が絶滅 [4]
3億6千万年前  動物の上陸
3億年前     昆虫の増加(ゴキブリ=生きている化石)
2億5千万年前  生物の大量絶滅(ペルム紀)。・・・95%の生物種が絶滅 [4]
2億3000万年前  恐竜の出現
2億2500万年前  哺乳類の出現
2億1500万年前  全生物種の76%が絶滅 [4]
1億5千万年前  始祖鳥の出現
1億4千万年前  オーストラリア大陸の分裂
1億年前     恐竜の全盛時代(平均気温23℃。現在の平均気温は約15℃)
6,600万年前   生物の大量絶滅=恐竜の絶滅(彗星(直径10km程度)の衝突)
         ・・・全生物種の70%が絶滅 [4]

4000万年前〜  最終氷期
2500万年前    最古の類人猿と思われる化石?
1000万〜500万年前  アフリカでグレート・リフト・バレーの形成が始まる。
600万〜500万年前 ヒトとチンパンジーが分化
250万〜180万年前 - この頃、石器の使用がはじまった。
170万年前    人類誕生
78万年前   磁極の逆転
50万年前   北京原人
23万年前    ネアンデルタール人の出現・・・石器の使用
20万〜19万年前 ホモ・サピエンス(現在のヒト)の出現
16±4万年前  アフリカのミトコンドリア・イブ
(15万年前   ヒグマとシロクマが分かれる)
7万年前〜    最終氷期
(現在よりも平均気温で5〜8度ほど低かった。:東京と札幌の年平均気温の差。海面は今より 120mも低い。)
3万年前    ネアンデルタール人が絶滅
3万〜2万年  モンゴロイドアメリカ大陸に渡る。
1万4000〜約1万年前 イヌを飼い慣らした
1万3000年前  日本が島化
1万年前      間氷期の始まり

A.C.800〜1300年 平均気温が現在よりも1℃以上高い。イギリスではブドウが栽培され、グリーンランドは氷で覆われていなかった。 [5]

20世紀     科学技術の発達、人口の爆発的増加、国際化、世界大戦、環境破壊や資源枯渇の懸念。
21世紀     核融合発電。人工知能、バイオ、ナノ技術の発展。多極化する世界

【参 照】
1. 銀河系 - Wikipedia
2. Chronology of the universe - Wikipedia
3. スノーボールアース - Wikipedia
4.大量絶滅 - Wikipedia
5.Michael Le Page”Climate myths: It was warmer during the Medieval period, with vineyards in England”at newscientist.com 20070516

83 The History of the Earth #Past&Future #Universe

83 The History of the Earth #Past&Future #Universe

13.7 billion years ago Big Bang
13.5 billion years ago Birth of stars and Milky Way galaxy [1]

※ [2]

4.6 billion years ago  Formation of The Solar system and Earth (primitive atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium).
4.3-4.0 billion years ago  Ocean was born
3.8 billion years ago Birth of unicellular organisms
2.4〜2.1 billion years ago The oldest ice age. (Huronian glaciation)
750〜700 million years ago Sturtian glaciations
640 million years ago Marinoan glaciation・・・Snowball Earth

※The Snowball Earth [3]

600 million years ago Birth and explosion of multicellular organisms(the Cambrian)
500 million years ago  Creature won the brain.
460〜430 million years ago Little ice age(Andean-Saharan glaciation)
・・・Two events occurred that killed off 60% to 70% of all species. [4]
※Other causes :Gamma ray burst caused by supernova explosion occurred within 6000 light years
400 million years ago Plants advanced the land from the sea.
375 〜360 million years ago Expansion period of glacier( Karoo Ice Age)
   ・・・a prolonged series eliminated at least 70% of all species [4]
・・・There are also theories that the collision of asteroids is the cause of extinction.
360 million years ago Animal’s landing
300 million years ago   Increase of insects (cockroaches = living fossil)
Emergence of reptiles
250 million years ago Mass extinction of lives (Permian)
・・・Earth's largest extinction killed 90% to 96% of all species [4]
230 million years ago Emergence of dinosaurs
225 million years ago   Emergence of mammals
220 million years ago   Mass extinction of lives
・・・75% of all species became extinct [4]
150 million years ago   Emergence of archaeopteryx
140 million years ago   Division of Australian continent
100 million years ago  Golden age of dinosaurs (The average temperature was about 23℃. Temperature of current average is 15℃.)
66 million years ago Mass extinction of organisms= Extinction of dinosaurs(Collision of comet(about 10km diameter))
・・・75% of all species became extinct. [4]
Emergence of primates(Ability to synthesize vitamin C is lost)

40 million years ago Last ice age
25 million years ago The oldest fossil that seems to be apes
10 million 〜5 million years ago The formation of the Great Rift Valley in Africa began.
about 6 million 〜 5 million years ago The differentiation of Humans and chimpanzees
about 2.5 million 〜 1.8 million years ago  Start of Stone tools
1.7 million years ago  Human beings born
780,000 years ago The last pole shift of Geomagnetism
500,000 years ago  Peking man
230,000 years ago   Emergence of Neanderthals ・・・Use of stone tools
200,000 〜190,000 years ago  Emergence of Homo sapiens (present people)
160,000 ± 40,000 years ago   Mitochondrial Eve in Africa
(150 000 years ago   polar bear and brown bear was divided)
100,000 years ago〜 Modern humans (Homo sapiens) were spread out of the Africa.
(It was lower about 5-8 degrees in average temperature than the current:The difference between the annual average temperature in Tokyo and Sapporo. Sea level was 120m lower than now. )
70,000 years ago 〜  The last ice age
10,000 years ago   The end of the last ice age
30,000 years ago   Extinction of Neanderthal
30,000 〜 20,000 years ago Mongoloid passed to the Americas.
14,000 〜10,000 years ago Humanity tamed the dog.
13 000 years ago  Japanese archipelago became the island.
10,000 years ago  The end of the last ice age

A.C. 800 - 1300 The average temperature is higher than the present by 1 ° C or more. In the United Kingdom grapes were grown, Greenland was not covered with ice. [5]

20th century  Development of science and technology, the explosive growth of population, globalization, world war, environmental destruction and resource depletion concerns
The 21st century    Nuclear fusion power generation. Development of Artificial intelligence, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. Multi-polar world.

1. Milky Way - Wikipedia
2. Chronology of the universe - Wikipedia
3.Credit: Stocktrek Images, Inc. / Alamy
4. Mass Extinction Event - Wikipedia
5.Michael Le Page”Climate myths: It was warmer during the Medieval period, with vineyards in England”at newscientist.com 20070516

84 絶滅 #絶滅

84 絶滅 #絶滅



スノーボールアース [1]




【参 照】
1. スノーボールアース - Wikipedia

20170202 テレビドラマ「仁」(2009)よりを追加

84 Extinction #extinction

84 Extinction #extinction

“3,500 million years after life birth. The produced living thing is 5 billion 〜 50 billion sorts. It is already exterminated 99.9% of them. Extinction is the universal fate which visits to an organism species” Takashi Tachibana(1940-)

○ Snowball earth
・For about 5〜600 million years at the last Precambrian age Earth entered the time of the snowball earth, and near the equator was covered on ice.
Most lives on Earth of this time were bacteria.
・The time of the dramatic life evolution "Cambrian explosion" had come after the snowball earth.
・There is also an opinion it is supposed that the earth will be in the state of the snowball earth again in the future.

※The Snowball Earth [1]

○Extinction of dinosaurs
・6.5million years ago,the collision of a meteorite 10km in diameter to Earth of the dinosaurs planet.
The clash formed crater of over 250km in diameter(15 ~ 25km depth) in the falling
point(off the Yucatan Peninsula).
・The body of meteorite vaporized by heat of impact vaporization, and dust spreaded into the atmosphere.
・Rock at falling point melted by the heat and splattered around.
・Atmosphere became opaque by dust and sunlight could not reach the surface, the earth was cooling.
・In addition to dinosaurs, many creatures became extinct in order to can not adapt to the rapidly changing environment.

1. Credit: Stocktrek Images, Inc. / Alamy

85 未来 #未来

85 未来 #未来

・カメラ生産、完全自動化へ―キヤノン [1]
☆2027年 星船建造計画 1号探査機の打ち上げ[3]
2030年 人間並みの知能を持ったコンピュータが出現する。[4] [5]
2037年 スターショットのレーザー推進システムの完成[3]
2040年 人間の脳の10万倍の能力をワンチップのコンピュータが持つに至る。[2]
2042年 スターショットの発射[3]
2045年 人工知能が知識・知能の点で人間を超越し、これまでの人類技術進歩予測は通用しなくなる。(=技術的特異点(2005年 レイ・カーツワイル(1948- ))[6]
2045~2100年 核融合発電所を建設 [7]
2062年 スターショットからの情報(資源、着陸適地、着陸方法)を得る。[3]
☆50年後 星船建造計画 2号探査機(補給船)の打ち上げ(新たな2体)[3]
☆100年後 星船建造計画 ケンタウルス座アルファ星に到着+1・2号の連携・補給資材(着陸・テラフォーム資材等)の受け取り[3]
100~200年後 地球の全エネルギーを管理し、近くの惑星に植民する。[8]
☆150年後 星船建造計画 ケンタウルス座アルファ星の地球型惑星に到着、テラフォームの開始(鉱物採取・加工、太陽パネルの建造 等)[3]
☆160年後 星船建造開始[3]

1,500年以内  氷期の到来(CO2濃度(390 ppmv)を産業革命以前のCO2濃度(280 ppmv)まで削減した場合)[9] [10]


☆4万年後 人類が星船(ケンタウルス座アルファ星)に到着[3]
100,000~1,000,000年以内 天の川銀河系で得られる全エネルギーを利用する。[8]

500万年後  氷河期のピーク [12]
☆1,000万年後 星船(ケンタウルス座アルファ星)が他の恒星に到達する。[3]
5000万年後 アフリカ大陸がヨーロッパに衝突し、地中海、カスピ海黒海が消える。[13][14]

1億年後  火山活動による大量絶滅 [12]
2億5千万年後  超大陸アメイジアの出現(南極大陸は動かない。)[13] [15]
10億年後 太陽の光度が10%以上増加する。[13]


20億年後 地球の海は干上がっている。(蒸発した水は地球の外に拡散する)[17]
30〜40億年後 我々の天の川銀河とおそよ250万光年離れているアンドロメダ銀河が衝突する。[17]

2兆年後 局部銀河団外の銀河を観測することはできなくなる。[18]

数兆年先 宇宙の未来は見通せていない。[19]

【参 照】
1. 真壁昭夫”キヤノン「完全自動化工場」で見えた日本経済の明るい未来”at DIAMOND online 20150811
3. No.80−2 星船建造計画:ブレークスルー・スターショットへの提案
4.人工知能の歴史 - Wikipedia 
6. 技術的特異点 - Wikipedia
7.NO.67 核融合発電
8. Kardashev scale (Michio Kaku (2010)) - Wikipedia
9. 長沼毅”#12 地球寒冷化 温暖化のあとに来るもの”
12.フューチャー・イズ・ワイルド - Wikipedia
13.Timeline of the far future - Wikipedia
14. Information is Beautiful
15. 吉田晶樹 at (独)海洋研究開発機構JAMSTEC)プレスリリース 20160804
16.Ken Pilon at 123rf.com
17.AstroArts どうなる、太陽系の遠い未来
19. No.86 宇宙の未来

20170116 ダイソン球と地球の未来図の追加、参照の整理
20170607 星船建造計画の追加

85 Future #future

85 Future #future

in 2018
Canon seeks fully automated facility - ECONOMICS [1]
・One-chip computer with the ability to exceed the human brain will be born. [2]
☆2027 Launch of No. 1 Nanocraft - Starship construction plan [3]
2030  Computer with a comparable human intelligence will emerge. [4]
2037 Completion of the laser propulsion system of Star shot [3]
2040  One-chip computer will have a capacity of 100 000 times the human brain. [2]
2042 Star shot firing [3]
2045  Artificial intelligence is beyond the human in terms of knowledge and intelligence. Mankind technological progress prediction of the past no longer apply.
(=Technological singularity(2005年 Ray Kurzweil (1948- ))[5]
2045~2100  Fusion power plant construction [6]
45 years later We will get information from the star shot (resource, landable land, landing method). [3]
☆50 years later Launch of No.2 nanocraft (supply ship) (2 new GAIs) - Starship construction plan [3]
☆100 Years later Arrive at Alpha Centauri, collaboration of 2 nanocrafts and receive supply material (landing and terraform material etc) - Starship construction plan [3]
100~200 years later  Mankind manages the total energy of the earth and colonizes in the vicinity of the planet. [7]
☆150 Years later Arrive at earth type planet of Alpha Centauri and start of terafoam (mineral collection and processing, construction of solar panels etc) - Starship construction plan [2]
☆160 years later Start of building a Starship - Starship construction plan [2]

1500 within year  The arrival of the ice age (When reducing the CO2 concentration (390 ppmv) to the CO2 concentration before the industrial revolution (280 ppmv))[8]
2,000~3,000 years later 
・Mankind manages the total energy of the Solar system. [7]
☆the completion of the Starship- Starship construction plan [3]

※Image of a Dyson sphere [9]

☆40,000 years later Humanity will arrive at the starship (Alpha Centauri) [3]
100,000~1,000,000 years later  Mankind manages the total energy of the Milky Way galaxy. [7]

5 million years later The peak of ice age [10]
☆10 million years later Reaching of a Starship to the other star. [11]

50 million years later African continent collision to the European. And Mediterranean, Caspian, Black Sea will disappear. [12]

100 million years later Mass extinction by volcanic activity occurs. [10]
250 million years later The formation of the super-continent Amasia (Antarctica does not move.) [13]
1 billion years later
・Solar luminosity increase more than 10% [14].

※Earth and sun after 1 billion years[15]

2 billion years later  Earth's oceans have dried up. (Evaporated water will diffuse out of the earth) [12]
3 〜4billion years later There may be Andromeda galaxy and our Milky Way galaxy (2.5 million light years away now) collision.
(If they collide, the chance of individual stars colliding with each other is extremely low.) [12] [14] [16] [17]
5 billion years later  The sun has become a red giant. [12]

After two trillion years It will not be able to observe galaxies outside the Local Group.
= Traces of the Big Bang disappear. = Evidence of cosmic expansion also disappear. = Clues of dark energy is lost.
⇒ Revival of cosmology until 1930::The universe is forever unchanged.

Trillions of years away At the moment we can not see the future of the universe. [19]

1.Canon seeks fully automated facility - ECONOMICS
2.Softbank new 30-year vision(2010)
3. No.80−2 Starship construction plan:Proposal to Breakthough Starshot
4.Steve Connor”Computers 'to match human brains by 2030'”at The independent 20080216
5. Technological_singularity - Wikipedia
6.No.67 Fusion Power
7. Kardashev scale - Wikipedia (Michio Kaku (2010))
8. Ice age - Wikipedia
9. Mark Prigg “Have researchers discovered an alien MEGASTRUCTURE? “at Mail Online 20151014
10.The FUTURE is WILD/2003 BBC
11. Martyn J. Fogg, "Solar Exchange as a Means of Ensuring the Long-Term Habitability of the Earth," Specul. Sci. Technol., 12, pp.153-157 1989.
12. Timeline of the far future – Wikipedia
13. Amasia (continent) - Wikipedia
14.The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
/When Galaxies Collide, our Solar System Will Go for a Ride
15. Ken Pilon at 123rf.com
16.Milky Way - Wikipedia
17.Information is Beautiful
18. A Universe from Nothing. Lawrence M. Krauss 2012
19.No.86 Future of the Universe

【Change log】
20170116  Addition of Dyson Ball and Earth's Future Diagram, Organization of References