95 脳とコンピューターの接続:Neuralink #脳 #人工知能

95 脳とコンピューターの接続:Neuralink #脳 #人工知能

○Neuralink(CEO Elon Musk)はカリフォリニア州に拠点を置く医療研究企業。脳内コンピューターを使ったてんかんうつ病パーキンソン病といった神経疾患の治療を主な目的としている。究極的にはAIを脳に埋め込むことで人類の能力そのものを向上させるという構想がある。[1]
○脳インターフェイスがテクノロジーとしての意味をもち始めるのは、およそ4年から5年先の話。[1] [3]

○Bryan Johnson社、Kernel、Facebook、NeuroSky、Netflix、Thync、Neuroverse、Emotiv、米国防高等研究計画局(DARPA)も同様の開発を行っている。[4]

【参 照】
1. RITSUKO KAWAI”実現は5年後? イーロン・マスクの新事業「Neuralink」は、脳とコンピューターの接続を目指す”at WIRED 20170329
2. Munenori Taniguchi”イーロン・マスク「脳とAIの接続」目指す新企業Neuralink設立。人の能力をAIで強化する技術を開発へ”at Engadget日本版 20170328
3. “Elon Musk on mission to link human brains with computers in four years: report”at REUTERS.com
4. Neuralink – Wikipedia

95 Brain-computer Interface:Neuralink #brain #AI

95 Brain-computer Interface:Neuralink #brain #AI

○Neuralink(CEO Elon Musk) has also been registered in California as a medical research entity because Neuralink’s initial focus will be on using deep brain stimulation controlled by an implant to help with the symptoms of chronic conditions, from Parkinson’s, epilepsy to depression. [1]
○At earlier 2017, Musk spoke about the need for humans to become cyborgs if we are to survive the rise of artificial intelligence. [1] [2]

○Similar technology is being pursued by Bryan Johnson's company Kernel, Facebook, NeuroSky, Netflix, Thync, Neuroverse, Emotiv, and DARPA. [3]

1. LIAT CLARK “Elon Musk wants to merge man and machine with Neuralink”at WIRED 20170328
2. “Elon Musk on mission to link human brains with computers in four years: report”at REUTERS.com
3.Neuralink - Wikipedia

96 IT脳を育てる #脳

96 IT脳を育てる #脳

96−1 IT脳をどのように育てるか





・達成感を作る。(旅行、他人に親切にする、自分なりの人生の意味を見つける 等)

自己肯定感が低い原因5つと、今すぐ出来る高める方法9つ−心理カウンセラーの種 20180404


“幼児期の英才教育にリスクあり? 「自己中心的な価値観」が結婚や犯罪に影を落とすおそれ”夢野響子 20151006





○「自分らしくあれ」・・・「どんどん自分をつきつめて自分になって、そしてそれを表現していくと、その表現は神の言葉になる」横尾忠則( 1936 - )

○「いちずに一本道 いちずに一つ事」相田みつを(1924-1991)

○探し続けろ。妥協するな。−スティーブ・ジョブズ(1955 - 2011)





○「自分が自分でなくて 誰が自分になる」相田みつを(1924-1991)

○才能なきことを憂うる必要はないが、熱意なきことをおそれなくてはならない。−本田宗一郎(1906 – 1991)

○学習より創造である。創造こそ生の本質なのだ。−ユリウス・カエサル(B.C.100- B.C.44)


○未来を予測する最善の方法は、それを発明することだ。−アラン・ケイ(1940 -)






○ゆっくりでも止まらなければ結構進む!〜『はやぶさ力』(川口淳一郎監修著) 学研パブリッシング

○ハングリーであれ。愚かであれ。−The Whole Earth Catalog(the mid-1970s)


○50%正しければ十分。−藤田哲也(1920 – 1998)気象学者


96−2 健康 等
鯖缶EPA, DHA)とトマト

子どもの近視に予防の可能性 外遊び2時間で発症減−日経マーケティング戦略研究所 20180115

【履 歴】
20180511 新規
20180516 自己肯定感について追加

96 Grow IT brain #brain #AI #life

96 Grow IT brain #brain #AI #life

96−1 How to

・Promote self-affirmation.
・Do not educate gifts.
・Give opportunities to explore.
・Do not force unpleasant things.
・Do not care about educational background.

【Part 1】Promote self-affirmation.
○Self-affirmation: Actively evaluating • accepting yourself.
・Self-affirmation can help individuals cope with threat or stress.

○Self-affirmation diagnosis check
https://cocooru.com/checks/26 (Japanese)

○Promote self-affirmation
<Child care>
• Praise • Approve.
• Do not scold them emotionally • Do not get angry.
→ Do not give them negative thoughts.
• Decide by themselves • To achieve on their own.
→ Respond as an adult and support independence.
• Listen to their stories.
→ Enjoy conversation with them. Answer slowly to what they asked.

• Accept yourself even when you are negative. Be gentle to yourself.
• Put distance away from unpleasant or impossible things. Stop it.
(Excessive expectation, sense of responsibility, pride, perfectionism, the eyes of others)
• Reduce negative words and increase positive words.
Make a sense of accomplishment. (Travel, be kind to others, find the meaning of your own life, etc.)
• Learn counseling.

【Part 2】 Do not educate gifts.
・・・The graduates of academic direct-instruction-based kindergartens were less advanced in reading and mathematics and less well adjusted socially and emotionally than those from the graduates of play-based kindergartens. - in the 1970s, the German government
・・・By age 23, 39% of those in the Direct Instruction group had felony arrest records compared to an average of 13.5% in the other two groups.
・・・Those in the Direct Instruction group had more instances of friction with other people, were more likely to have shown evidence of emotional impairment, were less likely to be married and living with their spouse, and were far more likely to have committed a crime.
Peter Gray Ph.D.”Early Academic Training Produces Long-Term Harm”−Psychology Today 20150505
※However, creativity will not grow up if you are too concerned about cooperation.

【Part 3】 Give opportunities to explore.
・Draw a picture.
• Make a craft.
• Create a robot.
• Make a secret base.
• Make a vehicle.
• Create a game.
• Create a song.

※Do not tell until children ask.
※Don't jump in with common sense, values, solutions and advice. Let your children find out solutions and what they really like.

☆The meaning in which the intelligence exists is to create the meaning.

☆Be who you are. Explore yourself more and more to become your own ultimately, and you express it, the expression becomes word of God.

○It’s best to do one thing really, really well. −Google

○Keep looking. Don’t settle.−Steve Jobs(1955 - 2011)

○The only thing that kept me going was that I love what I did. −Steve Jobs

○It is always your own heart-spirit that decides your happiness. −Nai Fu Yari James

Most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.−Steve Jobs

○Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. −Steve Jobs

☆If you have not lived your life, Who will become yourself?

☆There is no need to lament that without talent, it must be afraid without enthusiasm.

○It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life.−Julius Caesar(B.C.100- B.C.44)

○How increase the creativity: ① Simplicity, ② Concept, ③ appropriate constraints, etc. −Hiroshi Matsui

○The best way to predict the future is to invent it. -Alan Kaye (1940 -)

○Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.−Martin Luther(1483-1546)

【Part 4】Do not force unpleasant things.
・Do not force children to continue doing something disgusting. See what children really like and what they are good at.
※Continuing to do unpleasant things makes you depressed.

☆Be gently, gently, only gently, gently.

○Running away is a shame, but useful. – Hungarian proverb (meaning) :Chose your battles.

☆Don't blame yourself. But even you are small. If you won't stop to blame, you'll be flour.

☆Even slowly unless stop, it proceeds fine!

○Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.−The Whole Earth Catalog(the mid-1970s)

☆Life begins always.

○50% correct is sufficiently.

【Part 5】Do not care about educational background.
・University dropouts:Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Vitalik Buterin , Takafumi Horie

96−2 Health etc
○ Tomato and canned mackerel(EPA, DHA
○It is better for children to swim.
○To prevent myopia that causes blindness, take outdoor light for over 2 hours a day.
“Outdoor light has role in reducing short-sightedness in kids” Science News 20160406

【Change log】
20180511 New
20180516 Additional about self-affirmation

97 宇宙人との交信 #宇宙人 #交信

97 宇宙人との交信 #宇宙人 #交信

97―1 技術レベル [1]

レベル1 人類より進んだ宇宙人の発した信号を捕らえる。
レベル2 人類からも信号を発し、宇宙人と交信する。


2015年 カリフォルニア工科大とマサチューセッツ工科大などの共同研究チームが重力波を初検出。[2]

97−2 交信内容:何を伝えるべきか?

1 交信技術
2 数学・物理学の成果
3 宇宙論・知性論
4 その他

97−3 ダイソン球発見!(2015年10月) [3]
○地球から1,480 光年離れた恒星KIC 8462852は、不自然な赤外線を発していることから、ダイソン球である可能性がある。


○しかし、1,480 光年離れた恒星KIC 8462852との交信には3,000年かかる。


【参 考】
1. 地球外知的生命体探査(Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence SETI(セティ、セチ))- Wikipedia
4. 重力波- Wikipedia

97 Communication with the Alien #communication #alien

97 Communication with the Alien #communication #alien

97―1 Technology level [1]

Level 1 To capture the signal emitted of the alien advanced than humanity.
Level 2 We also emit signals, and communicate with the aliens.

※Symmetrical region:Including a parallel universe.
※Communication with parallel universe is assumed to use gravitational wave.

<Current situation>
In February 2016, the Advanced LIGO team announced that they had detected gravitational waves from a pair of black holes merging. [2]

97−2 Communications content: What should tell?

○Important is to transmit the idea.
○The idea to be transmitted
1 Communication technology
2 Achievements of mathematics and physics
3 Cosmology and Intelligence Theory
4 Other

97−3 Dyson sphere!(October 2015) [3] [4]
○One theory for an advanced alien race is that they might harness the power of an entire star.
○In addition, it is possible to know the direction of technology development.
○KIC 8462852, located 1,480 light-years away, has produced a series of bizarre light fluctuations researchers cannot explain, so this looks like a Dyson sphere.

※Image of a Dyson sphere [3]

○However, the communication with KIC 8462852, located 1,480 light-years away, takes 3, 000 years.
○It is estimated that while the space travel by Dyson spheres or Starship Intelligence bodies would contact with other one if necessary.

☆You will meet the person you needed if you progress.

1. Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) - Wikipedia
2. Gravitational wave - Wikipedia
4. Mark Prigg “Have researchers discovered an alien MEGASTRUCTURE? “at Mail Online 20151014