

Ben Beaumont-Thomas “Actor Ken Takakura, master of the yakuza role, dies aged 83” http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/nov/18/actor-ken-takakura-dies-aged-83-yakuza


It was in yakuza films that Takakura made his name in the 1960s, making as many as 10 films a year in a style known as ninkyo eiga, so-called “chivalric films” in which maverick yakuza would seek out justice for ordinary people. “I think that the reason the general public identified with the roles I played, was that they were struck by my stance as a man who unrelentingly stands up to absurd injustices,” Takakura aid earlier this year. “It wasn’t just that I was just going off to a sword fight, but that my character was willing to sacrifice himself in order to protect the people important to him.”*2
呉宇森(John Woo)*3にとっても高倉健は「アイドル」のひとりだったというエピソードで締め括られている;

Takakura was also feted by director John Woo. To create the character played by Chow Yun-Fat in his film A Better Tomorrow, Woo said: “I put all my idols together – Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Alain Delon and Ken Takakura.”






君よ憤怒の河を渉れ [DVD]

君よ憤怒の河を渉れ [DVD]



獄中結婚の意義(Simon Jenkins)


Simon Jenkins*2 “If Charles Manson has found love, surely that’s a good thing?” http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/nov/18/charles-manson-love-marry-killer


What is rarely discussed is that the relationship might be something other than merely cynical. Prison sentences in Britain and America have lengthened in response to public (or media) hysteria. To be incarcerated “for life” is a living hell, society’s proxy for capital punishment. Conditions for parole or early release are related to atonement for the past and likely future violence. The length of sentences is an uncivilised mess.

Yet the most certain aid to rehabilitation is release into a loving and stable relationship. Since such things are impossible for the state to arrange, they are downplayed by penologists. “Love behind bars” may need to be treated with scepticism. But its restorative capacity should not be dismissed. Emotional comfort applies to all ages and conditions.

Manson will never be let out. Nothing can make amends for what he did. But love, however bizarre, cannot be dismissed out of hand if it might make the remainder of his existence more humane and perhaps lead him to a sort of understanding of what he did to his victims half a century ago.


*2:See also http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20130218/1361159143 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20141116/1416157089

*3:http://philspector.com/ See eg. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Spector http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%95%E3%82%A3%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%9A%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC

*4:Jenkins氏は「最近」「獄中で」結婚したと書いているが、スペクターがRachelle Shortと結婚したのは2006年であるが、今から8年前というのは英語のrecentlyの通常の範囲なのだろうか。また、その後の一時期、スペクターは保釈されている。See eg. Caroline Graham “I won't rest until Phil comes home: Spector's wife opens the doors of bizarre house where starlet was murdered” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1211438/As-Phil-Spector-serves-life-sentence-murder-wife-Rachelle-remains-convinced-innocence.html Sheri Stritof “Phil Spector's Third Wife -- Rachelle Short (2006-present)” http://marriage.about.com/od/infamous/ss/Marriages-Of-Phil-Spector_4.htm LINDA DEUTSCH “Inside Phil & Rachelle Spector's Unusual Marriage” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/29/inside-phil-rachelle-spec_n_663527.html Guy Adams “Inside story: The weird world of Mr & Mrs Phil Spectorhttp://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/inside-story-the-weird-world-of-mr--mrs-phil-spector-2055932.html なお、彼女にはオフィシャル・サイトがある。http://www.rachellespector.com/

Mike Nichols

Mike Nichols, Graduate director, dies at 83” http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-30129848
Xan Brooks “Mike Nichols, director of The Graduate, dies at 83” http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/nov/20/mike-nichols-dies-83-graduate

代表作はやはりダスティン・ホフマンキャサリン・ロスの『卒業』ということになるのだろうか。アメリカン・ニュー・シネマといえば、アーサー・ペンの『俺たちに明日はない*3とともに、この『卒業』を挙げる人が多いかも知れない。ただ、そのキャリア全体からいえば、これぞハリウッドという存在というか、社会派からラブコメまでこなせる職人肌の映画作家といえるのだろう。ほかに、『イルカの日』とか『シルクウッド』とか。最後に観たのは『クローサー』だったか。Peter Bradshaw氏*4は”Mike Nichols was a kitemark of intelligent mainstream Hollywood cinema – his directorial style was the sympathetic platform for smart writing and great acting performances.”と述べている*5

俺たちに明日はない [DVD]

俺たちに明日はない [DVD]

イルカの日 [DVD]

イルカの日 [DVD]

シルクウッド [DVD]

シルクウッド [DVD]

クローサー [DVD]

クローサー [DVD]