常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

新ゼミ生 polish the apple

本日から、このブログの仲間入りを致しました、新ゼミ生のNatです。本日のpre-seminarでは、昨年受けていたUG先生のSpecial Englishの授業が思い起こされ、何もしてこなかったこの1年を悔やまれる思いでいっぱいになりました。特に、ブログのフレーズのinputがあまりにも出来ていなかったことに反省しました。2年後にこのような思いにかられないように、これから頑張っていきたいと思います。

初めて書かせていただく記事に何を書こうかと迷ったのですが、大好きなディズニーを生み出した'Walt Disney'の言葉より、気になった表現を挙げることにしました。

"You all know that there are always those who try to polish the apple or get their advancement by playing on sympathy. It is obvious that this is definitely unfair to the conscientious, hard-working individual who is not good at apple-polishing. Fellow, I take my hat off to results only."

polish the apple は直訳すれば、「リンゴを磨く」という意味ですが、日本語でいう「ごまをする」に当たります。この由来は、生徒がピカピカに磨いたリンゴを先生に贈って点数を稼ごうとしたことから来ているようです。(『ジーニアス英和大辞典』大修館)



Google Mapsが再びiPhoneで利用できるようになりました。「傾く」という意味のtiltとには「〈カメラが〉上下に動く」(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)という意味もあり,smooth tiltingはGoogle Mapsに特徴的な「なめらかな地図の表示」を指していると解釈できます。(Koyamamoto)

Google Maps now available as iPhone app
Google Maps is now available for iPhone users to download as an app.
Three months after Apple removed Google Maps as a built-in map and replaced it with its own product, Google said Wednesday that its revised map was finally approved by the iPhone maker to be listed in the Apple app store.
"People around the world have been asking for Google Maps on iPhone," wrote Daniel Graf, Director of Google Maps for Mobile, in the company blog. "It's designed from the ground up."
Google redesigned the app to show more map on screen than the previous version that was quashed by Apple for iPhone. The map also "loads more quickly and provides smooth tilting and rotating of 2D and 3D views," Graf says.

新ゼミ生 haul in

本日からこの「常時英心」に参加させていただくことになりました、新ゼミ生のJakieです。未熟者ですが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。初めての投稿はABC Newsからです。興味のある音楽界に関する記事を読んでいたところ、気になる表現を見つけたので取り上げさせていただきます。同記事によると、今年、音楽界で最も稼いだ女性はBritney Spearsとのことでした。

Britney Spears Is Music’s Top Earning Woman of 2012

The pop princess of the moment has been bested by the queen. Britney Spears narrowly beat out Taylor Swift and earned more money than any other gal singing her heart out this year, according to Forbes’ latest list of music’s top-earning women.

The 31-year-old pop star hauled in $58 million over the past year thanks to her latest album, “Femme Fatale,” and the tour she did to support it. Endorsement deals helped her bottom line.

Swift came in second on Forbes’ list at $57 million. The 22-year-old country crossover has been on a non-stop promo tour for her new album, “Red,” which went triple platinum in less than a month.


haul には動詞として「<人・動物が>(人・物)をぐいと引っ張る」「<物>を車[貨車]で運ぶ」「<船>の針路を変える」の意味があります。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)
ここでは成句としてhaul in「大金を稼ぐ」という意味(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)で用いられています。


新ゼミ生 'visual rock'



Leading Japanese 'visual rock' band L'Arc-en-Ciel is amidst an 11-country world tour and are slated to thrash Madison Square Garden on Sunday March 25, becoming the first Japanese band to headline the storied NYC arena.

The group originally was scheduled to play the venue's Theater at Madison Square Garden, but moved to the Garden due to overwhelming fan demand. Another visual rock group X Japan were set to play Madison Square Garden in 2008, but had to cancel due to illness.

Visual rock (called visual-kei in Japanese) is something of a cross between heavy metal and glam. It is closely associated with Japanese animation (called anime) as the musicians often where outrageous, futuristic, or ornately historical costumes and make-up akin to the fantasy animated genre. Though L'Arc-en-Ciel is more toned down than other visual rock acts in this regard, it leads the genre having sold over 40 million records, according to the band's management.


記事の中で、ビジュアル系というジャンルは 'visual rock' のようにクォティション(quotation)を用いて表記されており、 その中ではアニメとの関係性が密接であり、斬新かつ奇抜で派手な衣装と、幻想的な(アニメのような)メイクが 'visual rock' の特徴として述べられていました。私はヴィジュアル系バンドについてあまり詳しくは知らないのですが、ヴィジュアル系バンドの他のバンドとは異なった、一風変わったイメージが感じられました。


cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20121213/1355410633

新ゼミ生 Tee boxes

本日からこのブログに参加させていただく、来年度新ゼミ生のHaramiiと申します。UG先生、先輩方、新ゼミ生のみなさん、これからどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。私はゴルフ部に所属しているということもあり、最初の投稿は関連する表現をThe Japan Timesから拾っていきたいと思います。

Seniors win 3 Tours Championship for first time in three years
CHIBA — The senior men's tour picked up its first win in three years and second overall at the 3 Tours Championship annual team event on Sunday.

The seniors, led by Naomichi Ozaki and Tsuneyuki Nakajima, earned a total of 19.5 points at Hirakawa Country Club in Chiba Prefecture.

The men's regular tour, featuring Toru Taniguchi and Yoshinori Fujimoto, finished second with 18.5 points and the defending champion women's team that included Chie Arimura and Miki Saiki, was third with 16 points.

Twenty percent of the 30 million yen purse will be donated to children who lost parents in the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The competition featured six players from each of the three domestic tours, who used three different tee boxes to make it 3,596 yards for the men's regular tour, 3,473 yards for the senior tour and 3,201 yards for the women over the par-36, nine-hole layout.


先日、「Hitachi 3Tours Championship 2012」という、今シーズン活躍した男子プロ・女子プロ・男子シニアプロの3チームで1位を争うチーム戦が行われました。その記事にtee boxesという表現がありましたが、私たちは普段tee groundという言い方をするので、この表現に触れたのは初めてでした。(ティーグラウンドというのは、一打目を打つときにボールを置く、四角く囲まれたスペースのことです。)boxは箱という意味ですが、名詞で「囲み(わく)」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)という意味もあるそうです。となると、「ティーアップをするわく」ということなので、tee boxという表現も納得できます。


新ゼミ生 aggravate


Asada, Takahashi triumph at Grand Prix Final

The 22-year-old former world champion Asada, who won by a large margin of almost 15 points, was graceful in her performance to Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake." She struggled with some of her jumps, including doubling a triple Salchow, but was otherwise solid.

Despite her overwhelming victory, Asada, who had aggravated a lower back injury, grew tentative after her six-minute warm-up for the free skate. Dec. 9 is the first anniversary of the death of her mother, Kyoko, who died after a lengthy battle with cirrhosis.




ご指名質問:offer up

だいぶ遅れてしまい申し訳ございません。ご指名質問に挑戦したいと思います。お題は次のoffer upについてです。

House Speaker John Boehner is calling on the White House to offer up a plan for spending cuts in order to avoid the fiscal cliff. Boehner says if Congress enacts the president's current plan the US would be in the red for decades to come. (Dec. 11)

ここで使用されているoffer upの意味を推測すると「(fiscal cliffを避けるために費用の削減策を)案じる」というような意味で使われているように思います。すなわち「捧げる」などの意味ではない。

しかし、手持ちの辞書を片っ端から調べてみると(自宅のパソコンにはOED 4th Ed.がないので研究室に戻り次第確認します)、やはりoffer upには「設ける」という意味は記載されていませんでした。そこでオンライン辞典Wikitionaryを参照してみると第三義にto provide (something great)という意味がありました (offer up - Wiktionary)。

つまり、ここで使用されるoffer upは「(何か特別なことなどを)用意する、準備する、設ける」という意味であるようです。(Othello

Long time coming

cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20120204/1328359259

Iwakuni fetes first civilian airline flights in 48 years


IWAKUNI, Yamaguchi Pref. — A new military-civilian airport in the city of Iwakuni opened Thursday with an All Nippon Airways Co. flight to Haneda airport in Tokyo, marking the first commercial flight from the area in 48 years.

Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport in Yamaguchi Prefecture is the 98th airport in Japan and cost \1.32 billion to build. Named after a well-known bridge in Iwakuni, the airport shares a runway with U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, making it the second to be run jointly with a U.S. military facility, after Misawa airport, which uses part of Misawa Air Base in Aomori Prefecture.

The passenger terminal is on the north side of the base, and ANA is offering four daily round-trip flights from Iwakuni to Haneda in hopes of drawing 400,000 passengers a year.

Thursday's flight ended a 48-year hiatus in commercial flights from the base that began in 1952 and halted in 1964.

The airport project began in 2000, when Yamaguchi Prefecture began asking the government for permission to share the base for commercial flights. The Japan-U.S. Joint Committee agreed on the proposal in October 2005 and the Japanese government approved it in February 2009.


写真のキャプションにあるlong time comingは、a long time in comingが略された形で、「待ち遠しい、長い間待ちこがれて」という意味です。歌のタイトルにもなっています。(UG)


「人生の贈りもの」(「朝日新聞」夕刊 )はインタビュー形式で、知識人にこれまでの人生を振り返ってもらう内容です(日経の「わたしの履歴書」と同じ趣旨)。

「ものを学ぶということは自分が考えて、その中で出た疑問点がないと、他動的に教えられても学べないんですよ。」「教えられるのを待つだけ。」「でも、若者の多くは頂上しか見ていない。」, etc...いろいろな言葉にハッとさせられました。新ゼミをはじめた当日に出会うべくして出会った言葉たちだったのかもしれません。(UG)

V Rock

それで...V Rock(v-rock, v rock?)という用語は英語にはあるのでしょうか?Webをみるとアメリカのブログっぽいものには用例がありますが...Othelloくん、君しかいません。お願いします。(UG)

新ゼミ生 musical chairs



John Kerry Nomination Could Create Musical Chairs for Scott Brown in Senate


それを受けたabc. newsの記事の見出しがこれですが、musical chairsというイディオムが使われていました。これはそのままだと「イス取りゲーム」ということですが、比喩的に「(政権やポストの)たらい回し、ごたごた騒ぎ、ドタバタ劇」という意味でも使われます。Webster on-lineは "a game in which players march to music around a row of chairs numbering one less than the players and scramble for seats when the music stops; also : a situation or series of events suggesting the game of musical chairs (as in rapid change or confusing activity)"と定義しています。記事では、createとともに国務長官という大切なポストを巡るドタバタ劇が起こることを示唆しています。(Sugar)

outbound line


outbound laneについてです。outboundは外国行きという意味があるのはご存知かと思われます。「国境を越える」というが文字に現れていますね。50州あるアメリカでは「《米》〈列車が〉州外行きの」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)という意味にもなりますね。
" moving away from you or away from a town, country "という定義がLDOCEにはあります。「外に出ていく」方の車線であるため、outbound lineは「下り車線」ですね。もちろん反意語はinboundです。念のため。(Minnesota)

Officials of Central Nippon Expressway Co (NEXCO), which operates the Sasago tunnel in Yamanashi Prefecture, where a fatal cave-in occurred on Dec 2, said Thursday that an emergency inspection of the tunnel’s outbound lane revealed defects in 670 locations.

After the accident in the inbound lane—in which nine people died—the government ordered NEXCO to inspect the Sasago and other tunnels, especially ceiling panels.

A NEXCO spokesman told a news conference that the bolts which fix the ceiling panels to the nearly 5-kilometer-long tunnel were loose or corroded in about 632 places, TV Asahi reported. In other parts of the tunnel, the concrete top of the tunnel was cracked. In all, the company said it had detected problems in 670 spots.


hitch a ride/lift on


A group of paddlers got a big surprise during on a trip along Australia's Gold Coast when a koala swam out to their canoe and tried to climb in.

Everyone knows koalas spend most of their time lazing away in the tops of trees, so you can imagine the group's surprise when they saw one wading into the creek and then swimming out to them. They gave the little guy a hand and helped him into the canoe, not always a smart move since they can be vicious fighters.

Julie Elliot tells Nine News, "It took a sip of water and then saw us and obviously decided to come straight over. Then it started clawing at the boat and we didn't know what to do. We were thinking it was going to drown so my mate behind me just grabbed him and put him straight in the boat."

The canoeist received a few scratches but tells the Daily Mail he didn’t notice the pain as they watched their new passenger settle in.

The BBC reports that experts suspect the animal may have felt trapped on a tidal bank and decided that hitching a ride on the passing canoe was the best way to escape.

Elliot says after a short visit with their new friend they paddled back to the embankment and put hm back on solid ground. "Of course we couldn’t sail away down the creek with him because we’d be taking him out of its environment." She adds, "I’ve been paddling along that particular creek for the best part of 10 years and never seen anything like a swimming koala before."


ここで使われている、hitch a ride/lift on〜は「<自動車や船などの乗り物>に乗せてもらう」に相当しています。hitch(v)は、「ヒッチハイクで<乗車>させてもらう、ヒッチハイク(hitchhike)する」(『ジーニアス英和大辞典)という意味がありますが、自動車以外のものに使えるとは知りませんでした。(Nat)

cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20100713/1278997272


Man’s Marriage Proposal, Plowed Into a Field, Has 150-Yard-Tall Typo


typoには「誤植, 印刷物に文字の誤りがある」という意味があるのはご存知かと思われます。LDOCEには "a small mistake in the way something has been typed or printed"とあります。今回は畑に文字がprintしてあるという意味で使われたのかと思われます。(Sugar)


cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20120330/1333104667

V Rockという言葉

さて、ご指名質問を頂きました。V Rockという言葉はあるのか否かです。

やはり手持ちの辞書にはV Rockはありません。V Rockという言葉を検索してみると、日本のロック・フェスティバルに、V Rock Festivalというものがありました。しかし、特にV Rockという言葉がinner circleに属する文化で、Visual Keiを意味して使われているという記述はありませんでした。

visual (relating to seeing)という形容詞とRock は共起しないようです。だから、英語でもVisual Keiという言葉が使われているのだと思います。

ちなみにヴィジュアル系という言葉は、XのHIDEがレコードか何かの帯に書いたPsychedelic Violence Crime of Visual Shockという言葉が元になっています。(Othello)



Prison rape: Is the US doing enough to protect inmates?

Tutwiler prison stands next to US Highway 231, in the town of Wetumpka. Behind the barbed wire is a series of stone-coloured single-storey buildings.

This is Alabama's maximum security facility for women - a place where stories of rape and sexual assault are legion.

On a Sunday morning, Robert Chancey joins a queue of relatives waiting to visit the inmates. He has come to see Monica Washington, his cousin. Toddling along beside Robert, is Monica's little girl - growing tall and strong while her mother serves 20 years for robbery.

Away from the prison, Robert explains how Monica got pregnant. "She was raped in prison. She had the baby by one of the guards."

Robert learned about the attack during a prison visit when Monica was already two months pregnant.

"The guard told her when he took her in the room what he wanted to do to her and she said 'No'. He told her: 'Who do you think they're going to believe - you or me?' So she proceeded just to do what he wanted her to do."

Robert says his cousin was too frightened to report the rape, but prison gossip meant she could not hide the pregnancy - or how it happened - for long.


legionは普通、「古代ローマの軍団 レギオン」から、「軍団、部隊」という意味ですが、ここは聖書のOne's name is legion.(同じような人は大勢いる)のもじりと思われ、「レイプや性的暴行で服役しているところである」あたりの意味でしょう。(UG)

cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20100909/1283982533

stealth marketing

ほしのあきが"PR"(関係?)していたことで話題になっている詐欺サイト「ペニーオークション」はドイツではじまった手法だそうです。こういう射幸心をあおるような形野マーケットを総称してstealth marketingと呼ぶそうです(日本語では「ステマ」と略)。stealthは例のレーダーにひっかからない戦闘機に由来し、ここでは法の網をかいくぐるところところからこのように呼ばれているとのこと。「ペニーオークション」に関しては、昨年の2月中旬付けで以下の記事がありました。ここにもほしのさんの名前もあります。(EnDough)

Penny auctions: more anger at foreign web services
By William AndrewsPublished: February 14, 2011

After the Groupon fiasco over New Year that saw the reputation of the foreign daily discounts site plummet (a feat that the U.S. service managed almost to repeat domestically with its recent Super Bowl ads too), another imported money-saving style of retail is in crisis too.

Penny auction websites started in Germany in 2005 and came to Japan fairly recently via sites such as YasuOku.jp, often provided by Hong Kong, American or Singaporean companies. Over the last few months, though, increasing consumer anger has been mounting against what could almost be perceived as a fraudulent system.

It all sounds great at first. The auctions generally offer expensive electronics items like TVs and computers offered at discounted prices. An iPad for 855 yen (about $10) is tempting, right? However, people who places bids have to pay non-refundable fees, usually between 50 and 100 yen. Still not a lot of money, of course, but when you consider that bidders can number in the thousands, you can see how the auctioneer makes profit.

Though the press exposure over the last few weeks has changed matters, originally participants were not aware of the fees and if you’ve been bidding for lots of items then your account is going to give you a nasty surprise.

Consumer complaints to the government about the services increased steadily throughout 2010, peaking last month at nearly two hundred. That may not seem like a vast number but in a culture that values customer service as highly as Japan, it’s a serious trend.

What makes the situation more emotive is that many celebrities have endorsed the auction system and even taken part themselves, announcing this on their popular Ameba blogs. Numbers of participants in the auction sites increased following the example set last autumn by models and celebrities like Aki Hoshino.


come to grips/take a shot at

またゴルフの話題です。来季の米LPGAツアーの出場権をかけ、11月28日から12月2日まで、アメリカ・フロリダで最終予選会が行われました。Daily Yomiuriからの抜粋です。

Uehara, Arimura earn LPGA cards

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla.--Ayako Uehara fell short of her goal of topping the U.S. LPGA qualifying tournament, but she still ended the grueling five days with what she came for.

Uehara finished third Sunday to earn full status on the LPGA tour next season along with Chie Arimura, who placed fifth at the LPGA International course. The top 20 were awarded with tour cards.

The 28-year-old Uehara, a three-time winner on the Japan LPGA tour but winless this year, shot a bogeyless 3-under 69 to finish at 12-under 348.

That left her one stroke behind Canada's Rebecca Lee-Bentham and Thailand's Moriya Jutanugarn.

"It's too bad," Uehara said of coming so close to ending on top. "I still feel some disappointment."

Uehara's mood quickly improved as she came to grips with her accomplishment, not to mention that she was the only player in the field who shot under par in each of the five rounds.

It was a solid performance in a season in which her best finish in Japan was a pair of third places.

"I'm happy to make it through after playing in such a nerve-wracking atmosphere," Uehara said.

"I'm really excited to see what kind of courses [are on the tour] and how I stand up to the competition."

Arimura, who skipped the final two Japan LPGA tournaments--and a chance for the money title--to prepare for the LPGA Q-school, combined four bogeys and two birdies for a 70 and an 8-under 352 total.

"It was a long, tough four months since I decided to take a shot at Q-school," said Arimura, a three-time winner this season. "Playing tournaments in Japan, then practicing to make sure I would make it in the United States. Now that it's over, I really feel like I've accomplished something big."

Meanwhile, Harukyo Nomura shot a 67 and Mitsuki Katahira a 72 to finish tied for 39th at 361 and just make the cut for receiving partial playing status.

Ayaka Kaneko failed to earn playing status after finishing well back at 368.

Uehara and Arimura will join Ai Miyazato and Mika Miyazato as Japanese regulars on the LPGA tour next season.


今回、日本の選手では、上原彩子プロ、有村智恵プロが、来季LPGAツアーの出場権を獲得しました。この記事の中で気になった表現が、come to gripsとtake a shot atです。ゴルフでgripといえば握る部分のことなので、グリップの握り方に関してのことかと勘違いしましたが、辞書を引いてみるとcome to gripsで「(困難・問題などと)真剣に取り組む」という意味だそうです。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)
さらに、take a shot atは、「〜を狙い打つ」(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第4版』大修館)という意味ですが、ここではshotの名詞の意味でもある「試み」から、「〜に挑戦する」という意味でとらえることができます。ということでここでは「Q-schoolに挑戦すると決めてから」ということになります。


spinal column


Michigan cousins go after crayfish, hook a mastodon

CNN) -- An 11-year-old from Michigan said he is going to really wow his schoolmates Friday with the "coolest" show-and-tell item anyone's ever brought to the sixth grade.

After all, it's not every day you get to show off a 13,000-year-old mastodon bone you and your cousin found in a stream behind your backyard.

"I thought it was a rock at first, but a couple minutes later I looked more at it, and I didn't think it was a dinosaur bone, but I wasn't sure," Eric Stamatin of Shelby Township Michigan told CNN on Thursday.

He and Andrew Gainariu, 11, from Troy, Michigan, were hunting for crayfish in the stream that extends from the middle branch of the Clinton River, as they often did, when they "got bored" and decided to build a dam.

They made an extraordinary discovery that June day.

John Zawiskie, a geologist and paleontologist at the Cranbrook Institute of Science confirmed in early November that what the "kids just being kids outside" discovered was not a rock at all, but an axis, a specialized second vertebrae behind the skull in the spinal column of an American mastodon.

"These animals have been extinct for 10,000 years," Zawiskie told CNN. He works extensively on subjects in this time period, and noticed the distinct bone from the prehistoric elephant-like mammal right away.

"Oh my gosh, we were like psyched," Stamatin said of learning it was a real mastodon bone. "I was like I think we are the first people in Michigan to find a bone (who) are only 11 years old."


今回気になった表現は、spinal column です。columnという単語を見ると、(新聞・雑誌などの)コラムという意味が私は真っ先に思い浮かびますが、その意味は18世紀から使われはじめたそうです。columnには「円柱、柱」「柱状の物」という意味があり、ここではspinal「脊髄の;脊柱[背骨]の(ある)」という形容詞と一緒に使われることで、spinal column「脊柱」という意味で使われています。(『ウィズダム英和辞典 第2版』三省堂




Four North castaways now in Tottori
TOTTORI — Three of four men rescued from a North Korean boat adrift in the Sea of Japan arrived Thursday at Miho Bay, Tottori Prefecture, the Japan Coast Guard said.

The boat was also towed into the bay, where the three will be questioned aboard a coast guard patrol boat, according to the coast guard. The other man, who was dehydrated when rescued, was taken to a hospital and is recovering, according to the 8th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters in Maizuru, Kyoto Prefecture.

The 20-meter-long boat was spotted drifting Tuesday about 140 km northeast of the Oki Islands in Shimane Prefecture. The four men aboard were rescued Wednesday.

The four told the coast guard they came from North Korea and suffered engine trouble.


cast awayというPVからの名詞です。「(世間から)見捨てられた人、親から見放された子供」という意味が第一義ですが、ここでは当然、「漂流者」という意味で用いられています。driftersです。

lame-duck session


TV Commercial Volume to CALM Down

Thanks to a new law, TV viewers won’t have to reach for the remote to save their hearing when Grey’s Anatomy cuts to commercial tonight.

The CALM Act, signed by Obama in 2010 and passed by the Federal Communications Commission a year ago today, puts a stop to blaring ads that come on at a higher volume than the shows they interrupt.
CALM stands for Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation. The regulations require cable and broadcast stations to keep commercials no louder than the average volume of the show they accompany.

The original bill was passed in September 2010 during the lame-duck session of Congress. More than two years later, ultra-loud commercials could mean repercussions for the stations broadcasting them.


今回取り上げる表現はlame-duck sessionです。

まずはlameから見てみます。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)によると、第1義に、<人が>足の不自由な、<足などが>不自由な、と出てきます。また、第3義に、<口実・議論・話などが>不十分な、説得力のない、貧弱な、と定義されています。




P.S. このlame duckについては、Othello先輩が既に取り上げていました(lame duck and flying feathers - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から)。lame duckは、「役に立たない人;任期満了前の議員(大統領、首相など)」を意味します。さらにlame-duck sessionは、「死に体会議」や「選挙に落選した後の普通の会議」などを意味します。

live satellite feed


'Kohaku' to include Misia by live satellite feed from Africa


NHK has announced that Japanese pop star Misia is to take part in this year’s “Kohaku Uta Gassen” (Red and White Song Contest) on New Year’s Eve via live satellite feed from Africa.

The program is a tradition in Japan, in which the most popular music artists of the year are divided into competing teams of red and white and perform on TV in the run-up to midnight. Misia, 34, who has been campaigning and fundraising extensively in Africa since 2002, is to sing as part of the red team in the show’s first ever African broadcast.

Misia will sing from the Namib Desert where the temperature will be around 40 degrees. NHK says it is currently investigating ways of continuing the broadcast, which will take place at around 4 p.m. local time, in the event of a sandstorm.

A spokesperson for NHK said, “We hope the dramatic nature of the setting will be matched by Misia’s performance to provide an unforgettable start to the new year.”




put competition on the ropes

the guadianから英語表現を拾います。たまにはサッカー以外のスポーツの記事から英語表現を拾います。クリケットの試合でイングランドがインドを87-4で下しました。
on the ropesで「[ボクシング]ロープに追い詰められて」という意味(『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版、大修館書店)があり、「《略式》窮地に陥って」という意味(ibid)になります。羊飼いがオオカミを使って囲い込んでいる様子を思い浮かべましたが、ボクシングから来た由来なのですね。他の辞書を見ると、putと共起してput competition on the ropesという表現で「ライバルを窮地に追い込む[追いやる]」という意味(英辞郎 on the Web)がありました。(EnDough)

England put India on the ropes

Jimmy Anderson was brilliant in restricting India to 87-4 after England had laboured to a first-innings score of 330