
というNBER論文が上がっているungated(シカゴ大)版ungated(ECB)版)。原題は「Household Inflation Expectations: An Overview of Recent Insights for Monetary Policy」で、著者はFrancesco D’Acunto(ジョージタウン大)、Evangelos Charalambakis(ギリシャ銀行)、Dimitris Georgarakos(ECB)、Geoff Kenny(同)、Justus Meyer(同)、Michael Weber(シカゴ大)。

This paper discusses the recent wave of research that has emphasized the importance of measures of consumers’ inflation expectations. In contrast to other measures of expected inflation, such as for experts or financial market participants, consumers’ inflation expectations capture the broader distribution of societal beliefs about inflation. This research has revealed very significant deviations from traditional assumptions about rationality in consumers’ expectations formation. However, households do act on their beliefs about inflation, though in heterogeneous ways that can depart from the predictions of conventional economic models. Recent euro area experiences highlight the importance of tracking the degree of anchoring in consumers’ inflation expectations in a way that considers their inherent complexity, heterogeneity, and subjectivity. On average, consumers’ medium and longer-term expectations deviate noticeably in levels from central bank targets and, in contrast with expert expectations, often co-move more closely with shorter-term inflation news. By stepping up their engagement with the wider public, central banks may be able to influence expectations by building up greater knowledge and trust and thereby support more effective monetary transmission. Communication efforts need to be persistent because central banks must compete with many other demands on consumers’ attention.

Weberのインフレ予想に関する論文は、サーベイ調査ベースの主観的予想が有意義で重要な理由 - himaginary’s diary米経営者のマクロ経済予想 - himaginary’s diaryインフレ予想へのインフレの長期の影響 - himaginary’s diaryまだ知らないことを教えて:低インフレと高インフレ環境での学習 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文も参照(最初の2篇はD’Acuntoも共著している)。中銀と一般の人々とのコミュニケーションについては、himaginaryのブックマーク / 2023年2月17日 - はてなブックマークで間接リンクしたEhrmannの論文も参照。


2024 BOJ-IMES Conferenceでのミシェル・ボウマン理事*1の表題の講演(原題は「The Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet as a Monetary Policy Tool: Past Lessons and Future Considerations」)をMostly Economicsが紹介している

Looking ahead, the FOMC continues to reduce the size of its balance sheet as it seeks to maintain a sufficiently restrictive stance of monetary policy to bring inflation back down to its 2 percent goal. Recently, the FOMC voted to slow the pace of securities runoff by around half beginning in June.15 In its Plans for Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet released in May 2022, the FOMC noted that it would eventually slow and then stop securities runoff when reserve balances are somewhat above the levels it judges to be consistent with ample reserves to ensure a smooth transition to ample-reserves levels.16 Aggregate reserve levels currently stand at around the levels at the start of balance sheet runoff in June 2022, and there are still sizable balances in the overnight reverse repurchase agreement (ON RRP) facility. In light of these conditions, I would have supported either waiting to slow the pace of balance sheet runoff to a later point in time or implementing a more tapered slowing in the pace of runoff.17
While it is important to slow the pace of balance sheet runoff as reserves approach ample levels, in my view we are not yet at that point, especially with still sizable take-up at the ON RRP.18 In my view, it is important to continue to reduce the size of the balance sheet to reach ample reserves as soon as possible and while the economy is still strong. Doing so will allow the Federal Reserve to more effectively and credibly use its balance sheet to respond to future economic and financial shocks.
As balance sheet runoff proceeds, however, it will eventually be appropriate to stop runoff as reserves near an ample level. The FOMC will be monitoring money market conditions and related interest rates as it assesses the point at which reserve levels reach ample.19 It will be important to communicate that any future changes to balance sheet runoff do not reflect a change in the FOMC's monetary policy stance. Not effectively communicating this point might cause the public to interpret the endpoint of QT as a signal that the FOMC would decrease the target range for the federal funds rate, thereby causing financial conditions to inappropriately ease.
Microsoft Edge翻訳を適宜修正)
先行きについて言えば、FOMCは、インフレ率を目標の2%まで引き下げるために金融政策の十分な抑止的なスタンスを維持しようとしており、バランスシートの縮小を続けています。最近、FOMCは、6月から証券の減少ペースを約半分に減速させることを決議しました*3FOMCは、2022年5月に公表した「連邦準備制度理事会のバランスシート縮小計画」の中で、準備預金残高が十分な準備預金と整合的であるとFOMCが判断する水準をやや上回った時点で、最終的に証券の減少を鈍化させた後に停止し、十分な準備預金水準への円滑な移行を確保すると記しています*4。準備預金総額は現在、2022年6月のバランスシート減少開始時の水準とほぼ同じ水準にあり、翌日物リバースレポ取引(ON RRP)ファシリティにはまだかなりの残高があります。こうした状況を踏まえると、私はバランスシートの減少ペースを鈍化させる時点を遅らせるか、あるいはバランスシートの減少ペースをより緩やかにするか、のいずれかを支持したことでしょう*5
準備預金が十分水準に近付くにつれてバランスシートの減少ペースを緩めることは重要ですが、私の見解では、特にON RRPでは依然としてかなりの残高があるため、まだその段階には達していません*6。私の考えでは、経済がまだ強いうちに、できるだけ早く十分な準備預金に達するためにバランスシートの規模を縮小し続けることが重要です。そうすることでFRBは、将来の経済・金融ショックに対応するために、バランスシートをより効果的かつ確実に活用することができるようになります。


ちなみに、ここで言う「十分な準備預金(ample reserves)」とは、中銀の準備預金の重要性 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したBOEのPMRRと似た概念と思われる。

*1:cf. Michelle Bowman - Wikipedia

*2:その際、世界の量的引き締め:我々は何を学んだのか? - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したQEとQTの非対称性の研究についても触れている。

*3:原注:See the May 2024 FOMC statement, which is available on the Board's website at https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomccalendars.htm .

*4:原注:See the Plans for Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet, which is available on the Board's website at https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/policy-normalization.htm .

*5:原注:Aggregate reserves stood at around $3.3 trillion just before start of balance sheet runoff in June 2022; see Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (2022), Statistical Release H.4.1, "Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks" (June 2).

*6:原注:Because the ON RRP and reserves are both Federal Reserve balance sheet liabilities, a one-for-one decrease in the ON RRP with securities reductions would leave the level of reserves unchanged. To date, securities runoff has largely been matched by a similarly sized reduction in the ON RRP rather than a reduction in reserves, reflecting the ON RRP's role as an excess liquidity absorbing tool during periods of large asset purchases by the central bank.

*7:原注:See Roberto Perli (2024), "Balance Sheet Reduction: Progress to Date and a Look Ahead," speech delivered at 2024 Annual Primary Dealer Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, May 8.


という論文(原題は「Macroeconomics After Lucas」)をトーマス・サージェント上げている(H/T タイラー・コーエン)。

This sequel to Lucas and Sargent (1978) tells how equilibrium Markov processes underlie macroeconomics and much of applied dynamic economics today. It recalls how Robert E. Lucas, Jr. saw Keynesian and rational expectations revolutions as interconnected transformations of economic and econometric theories and quantitative practices. It describes rules that Lucas used to guide and constrain his research. Lucas restricted himself to equilibrium Markov processes. He respected and conserved quantitative successes achieved by previous researchers, including those attained by quantitative Keynesian macroeconometric modelers.



というSSRN論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「From ‘Dull’ to ‘Cheerful’: The Relevance of Adam Smith for Today」で、著者はMaria Pia Paganelli(トリニティ大学)。

Is there a secret recipe for economic growth? No, but we can extrapolate some pieces of advice from Adam Smith. An economy can leave behind its “dull” stagnant state and grow when its markets expand, when the productivity of its workers increases thanks to high compensations which are seen as incentives to work harder, and when lobbying and cronyism are kept at bay. Luck plays a role too, but these three ingredients are necessary, even if not sufficient, for an economy to grow and thus be “cheerful.”
経済成長の秘密のレシピは存在するのだろうか? 存在しないが、アダム・スミスの幾つかの助言を敷衍することはできる。経済は、市場が拡大し、より熱心に働くインセンティブと見做される高い報酬のお蔭で労働者の生産性が上昇し、ロビー活動と縁故主義が食い止められている時に、「不振」の停滞状態を抜け出し成長することができる。幸運も役割を演じるが、以上の3つの要因は、経済が成長し、それによって「活発」であるために十分ではないにしても必要である。


この観点から日本の現状を見てみると、少子高齢化による国内市場の縮小、なかなか上がらない実質賃金と依然として労働市場に根深く存在するブラック企業問題、政権交代が起きないことによる政治の澱みとそれに伴う与党に食い込んだ既得権益の継続、というように著者のいわゆる「“dull” stagnant state」が続く条件が揃っていて、その解消は当面は難しいようにも思われる。論文では、運良く規模の収穫逓増を獲得する、という幸運の役割についても触れているが、日本は高度成長の時にその幸運に恵まれたものの、その後、東アジアの他の国にそのツキが回り、さらに他の新興国がその幸運を求めてレッドオーシャン状態になっている現在、今後はあまり期待できなさそうである。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Global Indeterminacy in HANK Economies」で、著者はSushant Acharya(カナダ銀行)、Jess Benhabib(NYU)。

We show that in Heterogeneous-Agent New-Keynesian (HANK) economies with countercyclical risk the natural interest rate is endogenous and co-moves with output, leaving the economy susceptible to self-fulfilling fluctuations. Unlike in Representative-Agent New-Keynesian models, the Taylor principle is not sufficient to guarantee uniqueness of equilibrium in HANK if risk is even mildly countercyclical. In fact, we prove that multiple bounded-equilibria exist, no matter how strongly monetary policy responds to changes in inflation. Neither inertial rules nor rules which respond to output-gap fluctuations can resolve this indeterminacy. Instead, to implement a unique equilibrium, policy must stabilize endogenous natural rate fluctuations.

Benhabibは、Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé、Martín Uribeとの論文「The Perils of Taylor Rules」*1でも、RANK経済において金利の実効ゼロ下限から生じる複数均衡と全域的な不確定性を示したことがあったが、ここではそれと区別するために金利の実効ゼロ下限は設けていない、と断っている。


というNY連銀論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Tracing Bank Runs in Real Time」で、著者は同銀のMarco Cipriani、Thomas M. Eisenbach、Anna Kovner。

We use high-frequency interbank payments data to trace deposit flows in March 2023 and identify twenty-two banks that suffered a run—significantly more than the two that failed but fewer than the number that experienced large negative stock returns. The runs were driven by large (institutional) depositors, rather than many small (retail) depositors. While the runs were related to weak fundamentals, we find evidence for the importance of coordination because run banks were disproportionately publicly traded and many banks with similarly bad fundamentals did not suffer a run. Banks that survived a run did so by borrowing new funds and then raising deposit rates—not by selling liquid securities.

論文ではFedwire Funds(フェドワイヤー)とAutomated Clearing House(ACH)のデータを用いたとの由。これはFRBではなくてはアクセスできないデータであり、その点で株価を代理変数に用いた他の分析よりも優位に立っているとのことである。

*1:本文では「In Section 5, we show that being publicly traded is a risk factor for bank runs. The finding is consistent with the idea that public information may be a catalyst for run behavior, either because it makes bank liabilities informationally sensitive or because it acts as a coordinating device.」と説明している。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「There is No Excess Volatility Puzzle」で、著者はAndrew Atkeson(UCLA)、Jonathan Heathcote(ミネアポリス連銀)、Fabrizio Perri(同)。

We present two valuation models that we use to account for the annual data on price per share and dividends per share for the CRSP Value-Weighted Index from 1929-2023. We show that it is a simple matter to account for these data based purely on a model of variation in the expected ratio of dividends per share to aggregate consumption over time under two conditions. First, investors must receive news shocks regarding the expected ratio of dividends per share to aggregate consumption in the long run. Second, the discount rate used to evaluate the impact of this news on the current price per share must be low. We argue that both of these conditions are likely satisfied in the data. Because our valuation model reproduces the data on price per share and dividends per share exactly over this long time period, it also reproduces realized values of returns, dividend growth, the dividend-price ratio, and all Campbell-Shiller-style regression results involving these variables. Thus, we conclude that the answer to Shiller (1981)’s question “Do stock prices move too much to be justified by subsequent movements in dividends?” is No.


We formulate a simple asset pricing model in which stock prices mirror the expected present value of future dividends, discounted at a constant rate. We invert the model to recover shocks to expectations that perfectly replicate the history of price per share for the CRSP Index. If investors discount at a low rate, small news shocks about long run dividends are sufficient to replicate observed price movements. We also show that these expectations appear rational: stock price increases that the model interprets as reflecting higher expected future dividends are in fact followed by subsequent dividend growth. Our model is entirely tractable, thanks to an assumption that the stochastic process for dividends is linear in levels rather than in logs.

長期予想とマクロの変動 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したシュライファーらの研究では、株価の過度のボラティリティを投資家の過剰反応と結び付けていたが、この論文によれば、投資家の低い割引率と配当に関するニュースへの反応を前提とすれば、過剰反応を持ち出すまでもなく、そもそもボラティリティが過度ではないことが説明できる、ということのようである。

*1:cf. これ

*2:cf. これ