
Christian Science Monitorの記事;

Riots test Hungary's young democracy

By Michael Logan, Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor
Wed Sep 20, 4:00 AM ET

More than 100 policemen and 50 anti-government protesters were injured late Monday night and into the early morning Tuesday in Budapest after the protesters set fire to cars and stormed the state-run Hungarian Television building in the worst violence Hungary has seen since the fall of communism.

Tension had been mounting since Sunday, when a radio station aired a leaked recording of Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany admitting his party had lied before April's general elections.

Hungarians were already angry at the ruling Socialist-Liberal coalition for introducing unannounced tax and energy price increases after being re-elected, and thousands of anti-government, right-wing, protesters took to the streets after the tape was aired.

The country has been divided between right and left since the changeover to democracy in 1990, and divisions have in the past spilled over into bitter campaigns. While the Monday's violence has shocked Hungarians, few see long-term damage to the country's young democracy.

Mr. Gyurcsany, a former Communist youth leader, has resisted opposition calls to resign, and some feel the riots could work in his favor. While the right-wing opposition party Fidesz, founded by dissidents who protested against Soviet rule in the 1980s, did not direct the violence, several analysts feel charged language used in campaigning for the upcoming local elections contributed to the blow up.

"Viktor Orban [the Fidesz leader] has been using words like 'uprising' and 'radicalism'," says Krisztian Szabados, the director of the independent Political Capital Institute. "These words incited people."

protests beganThe riots began after several hundred right-wing extremists broke off from a peaceful crowd of around ten thousand demanding Gyurcsany's resignation late Monday evening. The breakaway group laid siege to the television building on Freedom Square in an effort to have their demands read out.

The mob, supported by several thousand onlookers, set fire to cars, threw cobblestones at police and damaged an unpopular monument to the Soviet troops that liberated Hungary from the Nazis in 1945. The police attempted to control the crowd with water cannons and tear gas but were forced to retreat, allowing the protestors to briefly occupy the building before dispersing.

According to Mr. Szabados, prominent right-wingers helped pump up the protestors by comparing the demonstrations to the 1956 uprising, in which ordinary Hungarians rose up against Communist rule only to be brutally crushed. The 50th anniversary of the uprising falls in October.

Maria Wittner, a Fidesz MP who as a young woman fought in the uprising, gave a speech Monday in which she said: "This is already a revolution."

Who's to blame?Szabados finds this rhetoric irresponsible. "Last night was a breach of the peace, not a revolution. To compare it to 1956 was ridiculous and those who did so are legally responsible."

However, Fidesz laid the blame squarely at the feet of the prime minister.

"Ferenc Gyurcsany alone is responsible for what happened last night," Fidesz spokesman Peter Sziijarto said in a statement.

Opposition parties are increasing their calls for Gyurcsany to resign, who made it clear he would stand firm and vowed to crack down on further demonstrations. He called for calm, branded the riots "Hungary's longest, darkest night" since the fall of communism and said that he had asked the police to do whatever it took to quell further illegal demonstrations.

Local elections are scheduled for Oct. 1, and several large rallies are planned before then, creating the possibility of further incident. However, most analysts believe that the violence has shocked the general populace and there will be no escalation.

The demonstrations first began on Sunday, when Hungarian Radio aired a speech Gyurcsany made at a meeting of his Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) in May.

"Obviously we have lied. It is clear that what we were saying was not true," Gyurcsany said in the speech. "We haven't done anything for the last four years. I can't mention a single political step we can be proud of ...."

In the speech sprinkled with expletives, Gyurcsany admitted his party had "screwed up" the economy and had hidden the scale of a planned austerity package, which has since been introduced. Hungary has been under pressure from the European Commission and international investors for some time over its economy, and the austerity package is aimed at reducing the huge budget deficit and joining the euro zone, thus completing the long transition from a state-driven to a stable market economy.

The demonstrations could backfire on the opposition, say analysts. "Last night I said that until the first stone is thrown, Fidesz would be better off, but that as soon as the demonstrations turn violent, Fidesz will lose," Szabados says. "Now the average Hungarian is shocked. What we can say at the moment is that these events will cause a political crisis within Fidesz."





 兪立厳「上海人説普通話“因人而異”」 『東方早報』2006年9月19日






Nice pair?


 (Roxy Music時代の)イーノとローリー寺西


















Xinhua “Pope’s Islam remarks anger Chinese Muslims” Shanghai Daily 19 September 2006

18日、the Islamic Association of Chinaの会長であるChen Guangyuan氏がベネディクト16世の引用に対して抗議声明を発表。

Sartre in 1980s China


Art and Politics in China 1949-1984から(続き)

革命後の中国において、美術を含む藝術・藝能(中国語でいう文藝)は毛沢東の延安における所謂『文藝講話』に支配されていたといえるが、改革開放政策の始まりは、その支配力の自明性の揺らぎでもあった。そのような”a climate of ideological uncertainty”(p.223)においてサルトルは中国に導入されることになる。サルトルは”one of the more popular western theories within Chinese cultural circles”であった。

It was observed that there was an awareness in the West, following two world wars and other momentous events, that many of the old values and beliefs of the western world had been shattered, and that this had led to a re-thinking of the individual’s place in the world. It was commented that, likewise in China, as a result of the enormous upheavals that had taken place in society, a spiritual crisis had arisen regarding values and the very meaning of life, and this had created a need for the individual to assert his autonomy and question the nature of his existence. For the artist too, the world was changing and art would inevitably need to reflect this change(p.222).

During the first fifteen years of the People’s Republic, existentialism had been labeled a bourgeois philosophy, and Sartre’s friendship visit to China in the 1950s had apparently elicited a generally negative response from the Chinese leadership. Following ten and more years of complete silence on the subject as the Cultural Revolution ran its course, Sartre’s work began to interest a number of Chinese artists when they were translated into Chinese in the late 1970s and early 1980s(p.223).

Both Sartre and the glass were set against a bright red background bordered by a thin white line. The existential message seems to be embodied in the relationship or, be more precise, the lack of meaningful relationship between the figure of Sartre and the everyday object, the glass(p.224).

His[Sartre’s] idea that no individual has a pre-determined place or function within a rational system, and that no-one can deduce his supposed duty through reasoning, seem to strike at the heart of the Marxist theory that society can be organized and determined according to certain laws and social structure. Further, Sartre’s view that each self-aware individual understands his own situation contradicts the Marxist view that man’s existence can only be understood in terms of his social relationships and social role. Sartre emphasizes the isolated nature of the human condition, and the anxiety that man faces over choices he must make using his own free-will and this sense of isolationism and anxiety permeated the work of several young artist in China during the early 1980s(ibid.).

Sartre’s emphasis on the role of the artist, rather than on what he produces, i.e. the work of art, conflicts with the Marxist view that, although the artist is an important element in the process of artistic creation, it is the work he produces that fulfills a social function, because it is his work itself that is educational. The artist’s identity as a social being is inextricably linked to the task he performs and the work he produces. It also links him to others who perform the same tasks. The artist’s thoughts and emotions are primarily fashioned by social reality and art itself is regarded as a social phenomenon requiring both an artist to produce it and an audience to appreciate it. However, as Zhong Ming points out in his defence of Sartre, existentialism declares that the nature of an individual is not fixed or dictated by outside influences, but by the individual himself, through the choices and decisions he freely makes. In the relationship between the artist and his work, it is the artist himself who is of primary significance(p.225).
因みに、同時期の中国においてサルトルと並んで影響を与えていた思想家はフロイトであった(cf. p.226ff.)。