ミィが虹の橋を渡って3ヶ月 It's been three month since Mie passed away. また一緒に遊びたいな I want to play with you again.
もう随分前になりますが、亡くなってしまった地域猫10匹の写真です。 みんな人懐っこく可愛い子でした。 These are photos of 10 cats passed away a long times ago. They were all very friendly and cute. クロ kuro しぐれ Shigure アイ Ai ピアス Piasu スズ Suzu チャコ Chako あんず Anzu チョビ Chobi アイ Ai ゾロ Zollo 今年ももう残り1ヶ月です。 There's only one month left of this year.
ミィが虹の橋を渡ってから早2ヶ月 It's already been two months since Mie passed away. 戻っておいで Mie,please come back.
今日はミィの四十九日 Today is the 49th day since Mie's death. 戻ってきてほしいな I sincerely want you to come back.
おっ、黒八君 Oh, Kurohachi わざわざ通りまで出てきてくれたんだ You took the trouble to come out to pick me up. 黒八「車が出て行く」 Kurohachi:A car parked in the parking lot leaves. 黒八「お腹すいた!」 Kurohachi:I'm very hungry!! はいはい、ご飯ね I'll give you dinner.
おっ、チャービー君、お久しぶり Oh,Charby,Ah,it's been a while since I last saw you.元気だった?How are you? チャービー「お腹空いた」 Charby:I'm hungry. ご飯あげますね。 I’ll give you some food.
今日は月命日 Today is the anniversary of Mie's passing. 今まで描いてきたミィの絵をアップします。 I'll upload some of the pictures I've drawn of him so far. 帰ってきてほしいな I want you to come back.
黒八君と茶々丸君の仲は依然として悪い・・・ The relationship between Kurohachi and Chachamaru is still bad... 同じ場所に住んでるのに・・・ They live in the same place... 茶々丸君はフレンドリーだけど、黒八君はそれを許さない。 Chachamaru is friendly, but Kurohachi dislikes him. 黒八「あっち行け!!」 Kurohachi:You go away!! 茶々丸「えっ?!?」 Chachamaru:What?!? 茶々丸「しょうがないなぁ」 Chacha…
黒八君が歩いてくる Kurohachi is walking towards me. 転ばないでね You don't fall 黒八「暑い!!」 Kurohachi:Too hot!! だよねぇ I think so too. 後ろに茶々丸君が Chachamaru is behind you. 車の下に隠れるのね You hide under the car. もう10日も会ってない。寂しいな。戻っておいで。 I haven't seen you for ten days,Mie.I miss you.Come back.
今日はミィの初七日 Today is seventh day of Mie's death. 1週間経つのはとても早いね A week goes by so quickly. いろいろあったね I played a lot with you. 廊下で見張っていたり You might be keeping watch in the hallway. 舌を出しっぱなしとか You sometimes had your tongue sticking out. 戻ってきてほしいな I want you to come back to life.