




Return to Dragon Mountain: Memories of a Late Ming Man

Return to Dragon Mountain: Memories of a Late Ming Man

Jonathan SpenceのReturn to Dragon Mountain: Memories of a Late Ming Man*1を暫く前に読了する。

The Zhang Family Tree
Zhang Dai's China

1 Circle of Pleasure
2 Charting the way
3 On Home Ground
4 The World Beyond
5 Levels of Service
6 Over the Edge
7 Court on the Run
8 Living the Fall
9 Reclaiming the Past


先ず、”Prologue”から 張岱の生涯を要約しているパッセージを引用する;

Until Zhang Dai was in his forties, his life had revolved around the twin poles of scholarship and pleasure, though to Zhang Dai that might have been the wrong way to phrase it, since so much of scholarship was pleasure to him. Not, it is true, the daily grind of examination preparations, at which he labored unsuccessfully for so many years, but rather idea and reality of reading, cogitating and remembering, the glorious and inescapable fact of knowing that he could walk with the acknowledged masters of the past. For Zhang, the great historians, poets and essayists of the Chinese past were never far away, and though the standards they had set were often utterly unatainable, the mere act of reaching out toward them was thrilling in its own right.(pp.9-10)

The year 1644 thus marked a seismic shift in Zhang Dai's life: his earlier dream of writing a history of the Ming had to be replaced by the bleaker reality of explaining the reason behind the dynasty's fall. He claimed that in the years of his flight from the civil wars and chaos that accompanied the Manchu invasion of China, when he moved secretly from temple to temple in the southern mountains, sheltered by monks, he always carried with him the bulky draft manuscript of his Ming history. That may well be so, and he completed the huge work sometimes in the 1670s. Yet, though the surviving copy of that draft shows evidence that it was being readied for printing, the whole work only became available in China during the 1990s. Instead of achieving his major fame from his historical works, Zhang became best known for a very different kind of writing, the creation of brief aphoristic essays. (pp.10-11)
“Circle of Pleasure”では、 張岱の人生の前半部が再構成される。(関西の言葉でいうところの)ええしのぼんぼんで、バンドや劇団を結成し、燈籠をデザインし、月や菊を賞で、茶を嗜み、蟹を食らう。また、女郎を買いまくる*3。張岱の歴史家としての才能は先ず一族の人々の伝記的記述に現われている。”Charting the way”は張岱の玄祖父である張天復以来の一族の男たちの主に学問的業績を張岱のエクリチュールから再構成する。”On Home Ground”で再構成されるのは張氏を巡る女たちのポートレイト。”Levels of Service”や”Over the Edge”では張岱の1世代上、或いは同世代の親戚たち。”The World Beyond”で焦点が当てられるのは、トラヴェローグ作者としての張岱。張岱の視点から見た当時の泰山や普陀山。また、マテオ・リッチなどのカトリック宣教師たち。
”Court on the Run”以降は張岱の人生の後半部の記述となる。北京で明が滅び、清軍が江南に迫ってくる中、一時は魯王による明朝復興運動にコミットするが、やがて山中に逃亡し、10数年の後に自らの生地である紹興の龍山の麓に戻ってくる。因みに、明朝滅亡のどさくさで張岱の書物や美術品のコレクションは散逸してしまうが、これは清軍ではなく民の遺臣たちによる略奪によってであった。張岱の長い(人生の半分にも及ぶ)余生を支えたパッションは(スペンス氏によれば)、歴史を書くパッションであった――”The possibility of suicide was often with him—but he pushed it away with the thought that his greatest task, the history of the Ming, was still uncompleted.”(p.222)。
なお、”Living the Fall”には張岱の陶淵明への傾倒についての叙述があり(pp.224-228)、また最終章の”Reclaiming the Past”には陶淵明に倣って1665年に書かれた「自為墓誌銘(Self-written Obituary”)」への言及あり(pp.271-275)――”Zhang's concept of how to present his shortcomings was lyrical and imaginative, though initially given a touch of restraint by his use of the third-person mode to describe himself, just as he had done in many of his other most personal writings.”(p.272)

*1:Cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20071011/1192121439 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sumita-m/20080111/1200074839

*2:Cf. http://baike.baidu.com/view/34301.htm


Info on Globalisation and Japanese Organisational Culture

EastAsian Anthropologist MLへの著者からのメッセージ;

Dear Colleagues,

Please find information below on my new book.

Apologies for detailing the chapter subheadings but I suspect that they better represent what I'm trying to do than the chapter titles alone. (For this audience I thought that detail would be acceptable, and I just hope they format legibly.) Meanwhile, in the attachment, check out the cover by my friend Steve Byram. He ordinarily designs covers for jazz cds, but I managed to rope him in for this one. To come up with this he actually read the book... and, hopefully, you will too.

Of related interest, I noted on the Association of Asian Studies site that there will be a roundtable entitled 'Bringing Culture Back In? Japanese Political and Business Studies in the 21st Century' at the upcoming meeting in April. I won't be there, but think my book directly addresses the sort of problems proposed in the session, e.g., how the partnership between contemporary social science theory and area studies might be encouraged/ expanded. In the book I strongly, if briefly, critique the use, or abuse, of 'culture' in general business studies, while discussing at length the largely unnoticed but valuable input that Japan anthropology has made to the - albeit limited - interest of general anthropology in the study of organisations, and, therefore, modernity itself. (The fact that we in Japan anthropology have been studying schools, shrines, businesses, baseball teams, sumo stables, shrines/temples, etc. - ie, organisations - for decades should put our work at the centre of recent surges in general anthropological discourse on 'our'/modern societies these days.
Whether that is happening is a different matter, of course.) Meanwhile, though I'm more interested in general problems thrown up by (ideas about) 'globalisation' than regional studies, per se, based in detailed ethnography I do try to theorise how information, knowledge, etc., moves across space,
obviously important issues in Asia and across the world generally.

All the best,


Globalisation and Japanese Organisational Culture:

An Ethnography of a Japanese Corporation in France

Mitchell W. Sedgwick
Oxford Brookes University

Globalisation the global movement, and control, of products, capital, technologies, persons and images increasingly takes place through the work of organisations, perhaps the most powerful of which are multinational corporations. Based in an ethnographic analysis of cross-cultural social interactions in everyday workplace practices at a subsidiary of an elite, Japanese consumer electronics multinational in France, this book intimately examines, and theorises, contemporary global dynamics. Japanese corporate ‘know-how’ is described not simply as the combination of technological innovation riding on financial ‘clout’ but as a reflection of Japanese social relations, powerfully expressed in Japanese organisational dynamics. The book details how Japanese organisational power does and does not adapt in overseas settings: how Japanese managers and
engineers negotiate conflicts between their understanding of appropriate practices with those of local, non-Japanese staff in this case, French managers and engineers who hold their own distinctive cultural and organisational inclinations in the workplace.

The book argues that the insights provided by the intimate study of persons interacting within and
across organisations is crucial to a fulsome understanding of globalisation. This is assisted,
further, by a grounded examination of how ‘networks’ as social constructions are both expanded and bounded, a move which assists in collapsing the common reliance on micro and macro levels of analysis in considering global phenomena. The book poses important theoretical and methodological challenges for organisational studies as well as for analysis of the forces of globalisation by anthropologists and other social scientists.

Table of Contents

Globalisation and Japanese Organisational Culture: An Ethnography of a Japanese Corporation in France

Mitchell W. Sedgwick

Part I: Siting an Organisation

Chapter One:


Analytic Perspectives on Globalisation in Anthropology

The History and Disciplining of Japanese Organisational Studies

Japanese Corporations, ‘Knowledge-creation’ and the Problem of Cross-cultural Relations

Bringing across Cultures: An Innocent Constructing of Hybridity, and an Informed Rejection of the
Analytic Efficacy of ‘Race’ and ‘Ethnicity’

Methodological Considerations for a Globalised Field

Chapter Two:
Japan’s Globalisations and a ‘Subsidiary’ in France

Five Rooms with Five Views (in a Factory)

The Political Economy of Japanese Investment in Manufacturing Abroad

Charting the Yama Corporation (in Europe)

Siting YamaMax

On the Ground at YamaMax

Producing Videotape

The Formal Organisational Structure of YamaMax

Part II: Organising Persons in Places

Chapter Three:
Personalising Socio-technical Relations





Monsieur Marchalot

Monsieur Legrand

Organising Persons, Cultures and Hierarchy

Re-circulating Productions


Chapter Four:
Translating Power in Hierarchy: Seen and Unseen Organising


Diversions of Production: Re-viewing a Test

Organising Knowledge of Organisations

Organising Power through Networks of 'Diffusion' and 'Translation'

Disorganising Assumptions: Re-viewing Cross-cultural Relations

Cross-cultural Efficacy and the Exaggerations of Language Analysis

Constructing Methods for Understanding Communicative Contingency

Diffusing Translations

Chapter Five:
Mobilising Architectures of Timing and Spacing: Ethnographies of Locations, Histories of Social


Making Social Relations: Taking Place, in Time


Creating Researchers

‘Coeval’ Analysis

Reaching Conclusions

Part III: Incorporating Cultures: Local Reductions, Global Repercussions

Chapter Six:
Circulating Others among Japanese Managers: Perceiving Difference, Explaining to Ourselves

Working the Intersubjective Social Whole

Idealised Japanese Manufacturing

Circulating the Fetishes of Production

Managerial Technology Transfer and the Hybrid Foreign Shopfloor

Circulating Others

The Pervasive Fictions of Seamlessness

Chapter Seven:
Circulating Others among Anthropologists: Perceiving Similarity, Examining Ourselves

Anthropology and the Work of Representational Aesthetics

Going Inside, Losing Touch

Going Global, or Staying at Home and Losing the Other

Author Biography
Mitchell W. Sedgwick is Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, and Director of the Europe Japan Research Centre at Oxford Brookes University, UK. He was formerly Associate Director of the Program on US-Japan Relations, Harvard University, and Yasuda Fellow at the Faculty of Oriental Studies, and affiliated with King's College, University of Cambridge. During the 1980s Dr Sedgwick was a consulting organisational anthropologist in South East Asia and West Africa for the World Bank, and later worked in Cambodia on its first postwar election for the United Nations.

For further information on this volume, check this





Bernd Magnus & Kathleen M. Higgins (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche Cambridge University Press, 1996を買う。但し、生活・読書・新知三聯書店による影印本*1

The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)

The Cambridge Companion to Nietzsche (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)




表題作の「青燈」及びこの本は米国の中国学者Fred Wakeman(魏斐徳)*2へ捧げられている。