上院 「Senate」 「Upper House」
日本では参議院にあたる。 と一般的には言われるが(http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/kotaeru.php3?q=781405)で語られているようにアメリカの上院は日本の参議院のように軽視されているわけではない。 アメリカの上院と下院は立法に関して同等の権限を持つ。
Upper House〔【語源】アメリカの首都がまだフィラデルフィアにあったとき、議会建物の2階は1階より狭かった。上院人数は下院より少なかったので、上院が議会建物の2階(upper floor)に入った。これから上院=upper House になった。広いほうの1階(lower floor)に入ったのが下院(lower house)〕
The United States Senate is the upper house of the U.S. Congress, smaller than the United States House of Representatives. Together, they compose the legislative branch of the United States government.
Seal of the SenateEach state elects two senators through statewide elections. The Constitution of the United States endows the U.S. Senate, in addition to its duty of passing all legislation through Congress, with the exclusive responsibility of confirming certain Presidential appointments, including federal judges and cabinet secretaries as part of the system of checks and balances. The Senate is charged with trying presidents, federal (including Supreme Court) justices, as well as other executive-level officers who have been impeached by a vote of the House. The approval of a two-thirds majority in the Senate is required for the ratification of treaties.